View Full Version : Does anyone else worry they'll go crazy?

24-01-11, 09:01

I suffer quite badly with HA, and although I am beating it and being strong about it al, I sometimes worry that i'll go a bit crazy.....in as much as when I get the annoyance of sentances repeating in my head etc, I worry about how fragile the mind is...I study Psychology, and have recently witnessed a schizophrenic episode from a good friend....is this just the anxiety!! Does anybody else ever feel like this?

I hope everyone had a good weekend


24-01-11, 09:11
From what I remember during the years I studied Psychology, I recall going through the same thing!

Don't forget that as sufferers we are very susceptable to ideas, thoughts and actions that we witness everyday.

Reading about the different behaviour patterns of 'patients' will all too easy start off the 'What if' syndrome in ourselves.

I think most of us on here are scared should we go that way but that's all part of the evil of Anxiety isn't it!

Good luck.

I found it heavy going but worth it.


24-01-11, 09:32
HIya, thanks for your reply.

I thought it was just the HA, I'm ok, just silly thoughts I get every now and then! Unfortuantely, I won't be able to be a Forensic Psycghologist without studying Psychology lol......I love the subject! I could learn behaviour traits all day long, It's just sometimes I wish I didn t analyse things as much as I do.....but I'll keep plodding!

Thank you again


24-01-11, 11:43
Hello Stephie....yep have felt the way you have and still do occasionally. Was psychiatric nurse for 30 years before retiring, and didn't just read about it all, I saw it all. Believe me there is a world of difference between psychotic illnesses like schizophrenia and neurotic illnesses such as anxiety, and one doesn't lead to the other. In a funny kind of way though I believe having some kind of anxiety disorder above and beyond "normal" anxiety reactions has , in a perverse kind of way, been good for me. I can now understand completely what some of our patients were trying to describe to me, and can empathise rather than sympathise. You will be just fine I'm sure. Good luck with your career.:yesyes:

24-01-11, 12:03
Thank you :-) That has made me feel so much better! I must admit, when I was trying to talk through things with my friend, it helped that I had had "strange sensations" before.

I guess I just wanted that be of reassurance that I'm not on my own....I always have a niggly doubt until I double check.
But thank you

Stephie xx