View Full Version : Loss of concentration/distracted easily.

24-01-11, 09:28
Hey All.
At the moment I've managed to push myself into school and I'm REALLY bored (well isn't everyone at school?). I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression. I have so many symptoms (nausea, shortness of breath, shaking, temprature waves, chest pains etc).

So, I just wondered if any other anxiety sufferers have noticed that they find it really hard concentrating. I have a really short attention spam of around 5 - 8 minutes :huh: and its causing me to fall behind in a lot of things because I can't 'just get on with it'. I don't know whether I am just distracted easily or short concentration is a symptom of anxiety.

Also I have realised latley that I find it really hard to interact with other people. I don't look at people when I/they are talking and I feel really rude. If I am talking to someone outside of my family I mix all my words up then I panic that their judging me, I don't recognise peoples body language and sometimes can't tell different tones between peoples voices. Could this be anything too?

Thanks for listening/reading.
AishGeorgiou. xXx