View Full Version : not feeling gd!!

24-01-11, 09:28
Today i woke up feeling totally crap!! I have that nervous feeling all over my body and just felt really off now i have started panicking this morning and its really scarey does anyone else get like this and what can i do to make myself feel better???

jo h
24-01-11, 09:37
I get that ....deep breath and tell yourself its a symptom and it will pass ....try and occupy yourself and your mind .........hope it passes xxx


24-01-11, 10:14
its normal unfortunetly....
try and distract yourself read a book or do something so your mind cant focus on the panic it will pass :)

jo h
24-01-11, 10:57
I am having the dizzy thing going on now I can never quite combat that one ......anyone got any ideas ???

