View Full Version : Pain under right ribs and indigestion

24-01-11, 11:07
Hi there
Can anyone help? I have got this persistent pain under my right ribs and also get bouts of indigestion with it. I have actually had this on and off for nearly 3 years now! Have been backwards and forward to the doctor - I think he thinks I am nuts! About 3 years ago I had the camera down and have over the past 2 years had 2 ultrasound scans - all normal. Have been back again to see Doc as I wondered if it might be somthing to do with my back/ribs as I get pain through to my back as well. Has agreed to send me for an MRI scan of my spine. I actually think it is something to do with my digestive system and that it may be a disfunctional gall bladder as the Doc said you can have that and it wouldn't show up on scan - why has he not suggested sending me for an HIDA scan if that is the case? He suggests it is IBS but I cannot believe I would get the pain so high up under the ribs and so painful? Am 47 and am on Omaprozole to help the burping - did help intitally but seems to be back now. Can anxiety cause these kind of symptons? I am the kind of person who only has to read about symptons and I get them! I am a real health anxiety sufferer and do get very stressed etc. I am now panicking that I may have stomach cancer!!


24-01-11, 13:22
If it's any consolation, I am in the same boat!

It started when I had my Gallbladder removed nearly 2 years ago. I had pain in the centre upper abdo and they done scan to find very small stones. had the operation and they said that the gallbladder was inflammed. Since then I've had nothing but trouble with pain, gas and nausea almost daily.

I get it under the right ribs and moving to the centre as well still. Had Endoscopy, CT Scan, Ultrasound scan, Xray, Blood tests, Stool samples, and finally Colonoscopy, all negative. They presumed IBS and gave me Buscopan then Mebeverine as well as Omeprazole, sadly all useless.

I have not worked for over a year properly as the pain starts as soon as I wake up and lasts all day. Also painful after bowel movements, again under right ribs.

I am returning to doctor as I cannot live my life like this as it's ridiculous.

I find it hard to believe this is all Anxiety.

24-01-11, 15:16
Thanks for your response - poor you. Having had all those tests and the surgery though you should rest assured that it is nothing serious and maybe anxiety can cause the body to react in this way??!

26-01-11, 19:53
Hi JaneS,
This is my first post on the forum but I am not new to health anxiety :( For just over a year I've struggled on thinking the worst of every little ache and pain. I've been to see my GP more times than I can even remember and he's fast losing patience with me (understandibly).

I just wanted to say that I know how you are feeling. I have awful pain under my ribs, both left & right and even though I've had no tests my GP assures me it is just IBS. For the last week or so I've also had problems with getting full quickly/ bloating, pains in lower abdomen, burping a lot, acid taste in mouth (although that has gone now) and I'm really tired all the time. I've googled my symptoms and am now convinced I either have stomach or ovarian cancer. I daren't go back to my GP again so I'm stuck worrying myself sick. I'm currently going through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help me deal with my anxiety issues, I just hope it helps.

Hope you're ok chick
K x