View Full Version : BRAIN FOG

24-01-11, 11:39
anyone else get this damn brain fog i hate it cant concentrate,my mind is al lfuzzy feel like im there but not there its sooooo confusing and annoyin.goin mad here!!!!!:scared15: just need some comfort please

24-01-11, 12:18
Hi Tess, I suffer from this due to having chronic fatigue syndrome and yes - it's truly horrible. If you don't take an SSRI, korean ginseng might be worth trying and/or ginkgo biloba. I found them really good but can't tolerate them since I went back on Prozac x

24-01-11, 13:12
hi jane thanks for your reply,i dont take anything for it because i didnt know you could ,now that i come to think about it maybe this is something medically wrong with me physically because i feel quite tired and dehydrated all the time but i put that down to anxiety as stress can make you feel like that.i like your motto and im following it as im determined not to leave this ruin the person i am or was before anxiety hit:) WHEN I GET KNOCKED DOWN I WILL GET BACK UP AGAIN

25-01-11, 11:00
Hi tess I too get this brain fog and it is truely awful sometimes it lasts for days and my vision feels odd too, its like being in a haze all of the time, it says it is the symptom to linger for the longest and it's the one I hate most, I am also quite tired alot of the time but this is all normal, I try and ignore it but it's hard to do that when you feel in a daze, am sure we will all be fine and one day can look back at think wasn't that awful !! keep your chin up and look forward to the day it goes for good.xx

25-01-11, 17:01
hi mic:)
thanks for your reply,ya my vision gets really wierd to with it.your words are truly comforting they give me hope that one day i,we all will get through this and win this ongoing battle and no matter how many people know your still very alone in the fight.but i will keep believing that peace and happiness are at the end of the road for all of us .good luck:)

25-01-11, 18:21
Hi Tess, yes that's true we will get through this, I keep thinking of how I felt four months ago!!! and it was alot worse than this but I don't want to be alot better I want to be completely better, I want to be like I was 5 months ago, that was a good place to be and I will never take myself for granted ever again, i now know that I did like the person I was, people don't understand and it is a very lonely place to be when you try and pretend that you are ok and smile and laugh and go places with the family and feel you are a million miles away from them all in the same room!!! Forward is the way to go and if we all hold hands we can go on together and we will.xx hope you soon get rid of this awful fog, besides that I don't have many of the other symptoms only very mild but I think because this is the one that scares us most and we think about it alot is going to be the hardest to shake off.xxx