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View Full Version : More HA Symptoms, Need Advice

24-01-11, 13:37

I've been posting quite a bit recently about symptoms of my anxiety. But still they seem to be coming, and changing all the time.

For the last few weeks now i've been feeling a real fullness in my ears, (doctor has looked and tells me they are clear) and also alot of facial tension, tension in my jaw, pressure behind eyes and nose.
Got no pain, just pressure and tension.

Also i feel like i am losing touch with reality, like im living in a completely different world to everyone around me. Its really concerning me.

The tension stuff is the one that really worries me most, it seems to be almost constant.

Could this all be sinus related?

24-01-11, 14:09
Hi there,

I have experienced this, all of the above including the feeling distant from the world, and it is anxiety.
I know it seems hard to believe, but anxiety has so many different symptoms. If the Dr has given you the all clear then I would bet good money on the problem being HA

Try not to worry, and just relax

24-01-11, 14:17
I have those exact symptoms you described. They are bothersome. Ears seem full and tension in the jaw area.

I'm just focusing on some relaxation exercises my thearapist told me about. Taking deep breaths. Closing my eyes and imagining myself at a peacful place.