View Full Version : Why such phyisical symptoms?

29-03-06, 11:54
Hi All

Here I go again!...... My son is off today due to teacher training and wanted to go out to buy some new trainers, so in the build up last night I had the most awful night time panic attacks, tried to cope but had to do my usual escape routine!

Anyway I did it, we went for breakfast and to the shops, I spent the whole time sure I was going to faint but managed to hide it a bit as not to spoil his day (even though he did pick up on my usuall signs)

Then driving home my eyes feel like they goin to shut on there own and I am so so pale, Why are anxiety symtoms so physical, I am worried about the paleness and the near falling asleep feeling and am wondering if the St Johns wort I started yesteraday is reacting on me? Mentally I feel intact today so why am I getting these purely physical symptoms???

Wendy xx

29-03-06, 12:46
wendy you body. like many of our bodies , is tired. tiredness makes us look pale and rundown. our bodies are very run down due to our focusing in of our symptoms and our fears and our panics, so we are bound to experience phisical symptoms with all that is going on

many also believe bodily symptoms are also our bodies way of telling us something is not right. that there is something we need to address in our minds etc

you are not alone and the phisical symptoms are hard to cope with, but how could our body not give out signe=s of tiedness when it is so that


Ma Larkin
29-03-06, 13:35
I'm sat here yawning my head off Wendy. I've not felt this tired in ages, started taking meds 2 weeks ago, my GP said they would make me tired at first but my body would get used to them. I hope so! My daughter called me Casper this morning because I was so pale!! Cheeky mare! Mentally I feel OK, physically I feel 90!

Les, xx

29-03-06, 17:56
Having a anxiety rush and releasing loads of adrenaline is extremely exhausting and so this seems like it may well be a factor left from the panics you had in the night .

You cannot get much more physical than fight and flight which is what we're expereinbecing standing still -Its how we are made !


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

29-03-06, 18:03
what is making me so dizzy! i always feel dizzy and as if i am not in the room! it is a horrible feeling which i try to ignore but sometimes it gets too much!