View Full Version : Tender/numb type patch on scalp :(

24-01-11, 15:28
Hi I was putting my hands through my hair and noticed I've got a weird tender sore almost numb patch on the top of my scalp, where your parting is on the left side. When I press firmly on the area I get a weird deep pain feeling. Bloody annoyed I found this because I'm now staring to worry :( it's giving me a head ache. I hate this! :( has anyone else had this? Is it normal and I'm just more aware of it?

24-01-11, 16:18
I think I’m right in saying that tender/sore patches on the scalp are not unusual for anxiety sufferers –it was my first symptom – or at least the symptom that took me to the doctors that led ultimately to anxiety being diagnosed.

24-01-11, 16:32
Ha ha - we have the same symptoms!!!

I have this too - have had it a few days. Wondered if I'd bumped my head (I'm quite clumsy) or if it was related to my cold....

Are you sure you've not had a virus or something recently? Mind, not sure if there are glands our ours heads.

Honestly, I'm the biggest health worrier ever and I wasn't worried about this particular symptom so I wouldn't worry!

24-01-11, 16:41
I had the flu type thing about 2 weeks ago. Im not really sure their the same size though :( or they are even glands! Hah we do have the same things! It sucks!