View Full Version : Heart

29-03-06, 13:05
Me again, lol. How do you check you heart rate?


Ma Larkin
29-03-06, 13:23
I feel my pulse Liz for 1 minute, I think the norm is somewhere between 70-100 for anxiety sufferers. Mine is usually anywhere between 75/100 per minute, depending on how stressed I am lol!! I think normally I am about 80


29-03-06, 14:26
Feel your pulse - this can either be in your throat or one of your wrists and then time how many times it beats with the second hand on your watch.

Mine can vary from 60 to god only knows what when I am nervous but averages out in the 70's usually.

I do deliberately try and make my heart work during mild bouts of exercise and try and aim for 130 if I can. Funny to think I can manage that rate and more just by going up to the surgery lol :D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-03-06, 14:55
Whenever I take my pulse I do it for about 20 secs and just multiply by 3.

Save losing count - the phone always tended to go about 45 seconds through :D

Also a good idea to get in the habit of not using your thumbs. There is a strong pressure point there, which doesn't really come into effect if taking your own pulse, but if you take someone elses , you will not only feel their pulse, but yours (through your thumbs) as well... which could seem like a double heart rate reading.




* Stop the world - I wanna get off *

29-03-06, 17:27
Why do you need to know .

It is not goood to be checking it all the time as it changes from minute to minute and there is no standard normal . I run at 56 and my friend at 90 - both normal for us.

Heart rates change according to your internal needs so can speed upo and slow down for no apparant reason which just leads to you being scared and it increasing more and you getting more scared and so you find yourself on a roundabout

If its really way out you'll know soon enough.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

29-03-06, 20:08
I agree completely with Meg - I got totally obsessed with checking my pulse, doing it every half an hour or so throughout the day - this made me think about my heart rate constantly so of course it kept beating too fast!. I managed to break the habit and don't check it at all now and the anxiety about my heart rate is much less.

april tones
29-03-06, 22:00
hi meg, my skipped beats have gone! horay!!!
but on odd occasions throughout day i feel it racing for no reason. why??
i skipped breakfast this morning as was in a rush. my heart was really racing and i had to walk fast so had to ignore it.
later on it was really racing and i felt bit panicky and clammy but without the panic. was this sugar levels? felt like it was racing a minutee ago but heart rate 75. whats that? normal? thanks, just out of interest x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-03-06, 12:25
Only wanted to know as to stop me racing to the hospital everytime i have a PA. the last 2 times it has been 115 & 133 which apparentley is not that fast. i dont check it all the time in fact now i hardley check it at all.

Thanks for all your in put.
