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View Full Version : Anxiety or Poorly, How Do We Tell The Difference?

29-03-06, 13:05

Just been sitting at my desk wondering about Anxiety, which most of us have on this website.

How do we know if we are poorly in lfe or it's anxiety and will the doctors treat us any differently?

I'm still suffering with this frequent urination and was wondering if it's worth going the doctors again.

What are people thoughts on this matter?


29-03-06, 14:08
I understand what you mean, I sometimes wonder that if I and when I get better from my anxiety and panic attacks, will I recognise any signs of real illness? or will I thing 'oh its anxiety'. will the doctor think here we go again!

So many symptoms are like other illnesses that it can be confusing.

I guess if symptoms are worrying us then we are better off getting reassurance from the doctor, if we have one we can turn to that is!


29-03-06, 15:30
Poor in life or Anxiety can end of in the same walk if you stay depressed.
My girlfriend suffers from time to time with depression when life gets her down. I talk to her and some of her other friends and she sees that things could be worst and moves forward. This comes from a lady who has had breast cancer at 32. If she dwelled on it, she would be where I am.- Anxiety and panic - particularly afraid of having illness such as she had and more.
So if it is just depression or a poor life, see the light of things and see that other people could have it worst. Make a list of the good things and sometimes they are hard to find, but think of what you have over the less fortunate.
I know I am very fortunate and yet I am still learning to conquor my health anxiety.
On your other note, i am a frequent urinator! My aniexty levels don't help but neither does the mind set. I find that I go and I really could possibly wait. Once the doctor has confirmed its ok, try drinking a lot of water and then go. Some people go a few times a day. I do a few times a day with no drinking. My brother recently started drinking cranberry juice and orange juice and was concerned with the same. It was the juice that made him go frequently. Different things can do that as well.
Tea, certain juices, and vitamins. They also turn your urine a different colour.
Holding it is not good either, so drink lots and if you need to go - go.
Ensure you don't have a bladder infection first.

Hope it passes, mine has always but it is a mind set.

Good Luck


30-03-06, 02:29
i am sat here right mow 2 30 am i had been a sleep and was wokemn by my son now i feel weird is it seriuse or is anxiety wich i dont n0 i an sweating and my shoulders hurt my arms hurt it it all tension or am i ill
hopw do i tell the diffrence some one please tell me i am worrying over nothing it s worse when your the only one awake in the house as well
