View Full Version : Dentist, black tooth, scared

24-01-11, 21:01
Due to my OCD i found it hard to brush my teeth so decided not to, I let that go on for a year (gross i know) and eventually worked it out and started brushing twice a day again with mouthwash, however that year of not brushing seems to have destroyed quite a few teeth. I was examining my mouth last night and saw a molar that is black, as soon as i saw that a huge surge of panic came over me as it means it will prob have to come out.

I dont even like putting my own hand in my mouth, so a dentist is very hard. I spoke to NHS Direct and they said I have to make an urgent appointment to see one tomorrow.

Any reassuring words, experience etc?

24-01-11, 21:31
Sorry you are so worried about your tooth, I'm sure most of us on here can relate to how you feel about going to the dentist. First though I wouldn't assume that because a tooth is black that it necessarily has to be removed. Dentists these days will do everything they can to save your teeth, so best thing is to find a dentist that you feel comfortable with and if they are sensitive to your anxiety they will make sure that you are as relaxed as possible before they do any treatment.

To be honest I wouldn't take an awful lot of notice of what NHS Direct say to you. I had to phone them once too when a tooth of mine was playing up and quite honestly they were not very helpful.

Hope you manage to see a dentist and that they put your mind at ease :hugs:

25-01-11, 16:18
went to see the dentist, will have to have the tooth out :(

25-01-11, 17:33
You'll be ok I promise.

I am terrified of the dentist but I had to go because my wisdom teeth were giving me jip. I had to have 2 of them out and honestly it was fine - If I can do it (i'm the world's biggest wimp!) then you can do it - it will be over in minutes.


25-01-11, 18:32
Did you have to have antibiotics or anything, would you mind telling me about the procedure?

25-01-11, 20:01
I went to the Dentist on Monday. I can honestly say that I was TERRIFIED and I had to take valium all weekend just to cope. I don't know how I found the strength to go through with it, but I did, and I can tell you now that it was the best thing I've done in ages. I didn't need any work doing this time but I did need a scale and a polish which I find incredibly didfficult to tolerate due to the feeling of panic I get when I'm in the chair. I would suggest that if you find it really difficult take some valium before the appointment to take the edge off it, and tell your Dentist that you are a nervous patient. My Dentist was fab and told me he would stop at any time if I raised my hand. I did raise my hand a couple of times but it was just to swallow and I wasn't panicking! I left the Dentist with lovely clean teeth and a huge smile on my face. It really is worth the effort if you can possibly find the strength. Good luck. :)

I forgot to say that I did take antibiotics before the visit because I have a health condition. I got Amoxicillin on prescription from my Doctor and it needs to be taken BEFORE the visit so please phone your Dr and ask for a prescription. They will be able to tell you whether you need antibiotics for the procedure you're having done.

25-01-11, 20:18
Thank you for the replies, I appreciate it. I wish I could take something like diazepam but neither my GP or Psychiatrist will not prescribe it. All they offer is a non benzo :(

25-01-11, 20:31
I had a LOT of trouble getting diazepam but you should be able to get it for an emergency such as a Dental visit. What reason are they giving for not prescribing it? Perhaps it clashes with other drugs you are taking?

25-01-11, 21:15
The reason they claim is because of a previous 'addiction' although I dispute this. A GP prescribed it for me for a year, what pisses me off is that year was the most productive and non anxious year of my life. I had a good job, went out everyday and felt 99% great.

I never took too much, always stuck to the 5mg/day and even if it was 'all in my head that it was working' I dont mind, it worked for me! In the end I felt it was causing some issues in the male department so went cold turkey but wish I had stayed on it.

25-01-11, 21:19
I couldn't agree more. When I was 17 I was prescribed 3x 5mg tablets per day and by taking those I was able to beat agoraphobia, hold down a job, use public transport and just about lead a normal life. Twenty years later I'm agoraphobic again but they really don't want to give me any valium at all even though I have never abused it and it is the only thing that has ever helped with my anxiety. Unfortunately it's not PC for them to prescribe it now, but what really makes me cross is I have a friend who takes 20mg a day for a bad back, and another friend who takes 5mg every night for a sleep problem. To be quite honest if I did get addicted to it I wouldn't care because it would have transformed my life! Grrr etc!

25-01-11, 22:34
tell your Dentist that you are a nervous patient.
Really good advice, most dentists are sensitive to the fact that people find it a scary experience and they'll do what they can to make it more friendly if you speak up.