View Full Version : Wife Woke From A Nightmare And Said She Dreamed I Died...Should I Worry?

24-01-11, 23:38
Yesterday we had a great day.We got out most of the day and had the day before..Really been enjoying a few days of warmer sunny weather that comes sometimes in winter then goes back to rainy cold days..

Anyway .. My wife woke me around 730 AM this morning freaking out with a terrible nightmare.. She said I dreamed you died and there were all these weird people around that I don't trust and I was all alone and I tried to comfort her and explain to her it was just a dream to go back to sleep
and she got hysterical and just started crying and yelling she didn't want to
be left alone.

This freaked me out but I tried to stay calm and then she got back in bed and stayed awake saying she was still experiencing the dream when she was awake. She thought I got angry at her because she had a major panic attack.

I told her "no" and then she went back to sleep..Well I couldn't go back to sleep I was too upset..and I really needed to sleep because we have been going to bed late and im really tired because we get up early.

Before we went to sleep I had been laughing about having age spots and how old I was and I have a spot on my arm that looks like it could be cancer,but I always tell her stuff like that and she says that its not and it isn't usually or hasn't been..

But the night was ok.. we went to sleep in a good mood so Im not sure just what set her off..When she woke during her nightmare she was screaming she was alone and didn't have anyone and said she had already been like in that position before and didn't want be there again..This is true.. she lost her first husband but he was so much older than her.. and my wife is older than I so..I think im the one that should be worried about her..

But the last few days I have been tired and my breathing seemed labored ..I don''t know if it just because prior to our getting out the last few days i have been laying around a lot and not doing much of anything.

I did feel rather bad last night.. probably just really tired.. but the fact she had this nightmare has scared me and made me feel scared all day..
I am wondering if it was a premonition or just a dream that didn't mean anything.. and if so.. why did she experience something so real that she went into a panic and hysteria?

Im worried and scared now.. and really thinking about my breathing and the way im feeling.. should I be.. or just let it go to a dream that didn't mean anything.. ?

25-01-11, 00:04
I'm a believer of dreams having meanings but dreaming of someone dying doesnt mean that it's going to happen. Obviously dreaming of such a thing would make your wife panic, I once had a dream where I got shot and I felt my heart stop... I was in a massive panic when I woke and it took me a while to calm down.
I'm sure you have nothing to worry about!

25-01-11, 00:11
I had a dream I had a foursome with Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson and Ellen Page...If that ever comes true I will be on here in a flash to tell you to worry but, to be honest, I think my dream has as much chance of coming true as your wife's.

25-01-11, 00:25
I am a big reader of dreamlore and I dream vividly all the time... most dreamlore interprets dreams as the opposite of what you dream...so poverty in dreams shows wealth is coming, and death means LIFE...

truth is tho, we have been dreaming since time began, and if there was any prophecy about it we would know by now...

25-01-11, 00:34
You all have made me feel so much better..Im happy and smiling now where I was being dreary and anxious earlier.. I am tired since I didn't sleep anymore this morning but at least its not a worried tired..Thank you ..you are all so kind.. Michael

25-01-11, 00:42
No problem buddy. Glad to be of assistance.

If you ever get any anxiety about dreams of subconscious babbling again, remember this story from my friend. In his youth days he had a sleepover with some friends. He was, like me, a bit of an insomniac (even at that young age!) and overheard his friend say, in his sleep "Mum...I DON'T WANT SANDWICHES, I WANT ROLLS!"

A person's subconscious is a strange thing; but it usually makes no sense, nor does it predict the future.

25-01-11, 00:56
I've had some odd dreams - once had a dream that I was sitting crying on my GP's knee!! In all fairness my mum was ill at the time and I was only 16 and badly needed someone to do that - but still, I cringe when thinking about it now! Our subconscious can do some odd things, but I certainly dont think dreams are premonitions at all - I'd flatten poor GP if it were to come true, not to mrntion how wtong it would be !!!

25-01-11, 01:05
Hi Michael,

Try not to worry – dreams aren’t premonitions. I know dreams like that are scary though.

As it’s getting late here – nearly 1am – can I be terribly lazy and give you a link to a similar thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=88274) (reply #4) that I replied to a few weeks ago. It might help.

Take care,

25-01-11, 15:44

I had a dream some years ago that my dad phoned me while he & my step-mum were in the car driving somewhere. We were just chatting about mundane things and then he suddenly went quiet and I heard my step-mum start screaming & shouting his name. For whatever reason, I knew he was having a heart attack. It was incredibly vivid - so much so that I can still remember the sound of his car windscreen wipers! A horrible and upsetting thing to dream about & it completely freaked me out. I don't know what part of my subconscious triggered it - but it was definitely a fear from inside me somewhere, NOT a premonition. These kind of nightmares are terrifying (and can feel very real) at the time, but you mustn't read into them.


PS: My Dad is fit & healthy many years later :yesyes:

25-01-11, 21:04
I was always told that if you dream of someone dying, that means they're going to live a long life. I used to ALWAYS dream about my great grandfather dying.....it was a monthly occurance. He lived to be 96 years old and died peacefully in his sleep of old age!!!

25-01-11, 22:12
I don't believe that dreams having meanings, but the wife does (i think it's all voodoo).

Aparently if someone dreams of death it means it's the "end of one phase, and the start of another"