View Full Version : Constant ringing in ear...

24-01-11, 23:56
For the past few weeks I've been getting a ringing in my right ear that would last about 5 to 10 seconds. It was only happening about twice a week or so but since 6am this morning I've had a constant ringing in my ear. It's extremely annoying and is driving me crazy and it's making me really anxious as I'm worried as to what might be causing it! I'm too scared to google... Can anyone help?

25-01-11, 00:29
mine has been constant for the last few weeks, but GP suggests neck muscles... fed up, but looking at all the entries re ringing/tinnitus on this site, seems like it could be anxiety..... dont you just luv it x

25-01-11, 00:34
constant for weeks?! I was hoping I'd wake up tomorrow and it'd be back to normal! I don't know how you've put up with it! I've had the tv on all day just to drown it out! :( I hope yours goes away soon x

25-01-11, 00:37
Yep..weather can cause this.. like a front coming in or leaving.. taking aspirin or sometimes advil or motrin or ibupofen.. or something else new in your body or too much of.. Also I even get it sometimes from eating too many bananas.. yes .. two or more a day ..caused this for me..but still eat them..Its bothersome but I have had it off and on since my 20's and im in my 50's now..really nothing to worry about.. Just try to stay out of the quiet.. take care and feel better.. Michael

25-01-11, 01:02
Absolutely. Sure thing that gives me ringing, is doses of ibuprofen..Advil.

25-01-11, 01:06
yes, i get this too and other odd ear sensation..cloogged ear, deep itch, feels like tight muscles inside. Makes me insane! and the anxiety increases dramatically. doctor tells me anxiety can cause ear issues. I have been doing serious neck, shoulder and upper back stretches with heat every day for a week and think i am beginning to see an improvement. tight neck muscles really can pull on the inner ear and make all kinds of things act up ( doctor told me that too) it is an awful feeling

27-01-11, 01:25
>>doctor tells me anxiety can cause ear issues.<<
Also the other way around. Some ENT doctors are familiar with anxiety problems.

27-01-11, 01:55
Thanks Tero! Funny thing is, it started at a time when I've been least anxious! I'm getting a bit annoyed with all these new symptoms popping up! My worst is a feeling of not being able to breathe properly (like my chest suddenly tightens up and I can't physically take a breath in). My anxiety has gone crazy today and I've been in a complete mess! I'd do anything to wake up tomorrow feeling normal again and anxiety and symptom free!!! :(

27-01-11, 10:19
Hi Princess - anything from anxiety to jaw joint trouble to neck muscles can give you ringing - I have all of the above! and I get all sorts of weird ear symptoms from ringing or like someone banging a drum ( this is the ear drum twitching like an eyelid twitch) to itching or nerve type pain in and around ear.

How I agree with you that wouldn't it be nice to wake up and not have at least one really bad symptom. The trouble is we don't feel anxious but our minds show anxiety in our body. I have a friend who appears to be a real drama queen, always in a stress about something happening in her life but she never worries about her health and does not seem to suffer many symptoms - instead she suffers mentally.

In the last week I have found out that the adopted full brother that I only found out about last year at 48 yrs old and have been tracing with social services died 10 years ago an alcoholic who could not come to terms with his adoption plus piggy in the middle of a friends very messy divorce but I would still say I wasn't stresed:)mentally but I symptoms have gone into overdrive.

27-01-11, 11:26
Hi countrygirl

I'm sorry about your brother :(

When my anxiety started in October 2009 I didn't feel stressed at all, it just came on suddenly one day as a panic attack. As the panic attacks got more frequent, stronger and scarier I started to get stressed and frustrated and I think my anxiety then fed off this! I'm still scared now of some if my symptoms but I just get them all the time no matter what I'm doing or even how relaxed I am! It's been an awful battle, I can't work, i can't even go out, i don't want to be on my own, I can't eat or drink properly. How do you get by every day?