View Full Version : It Happened Again.. I Just Am So Shocked..

25-01-11, 00:12
Months ago I posted about being shocked about how old I appeared in my photos and aged and fat..So I have been working at taking off the weight..and firming up.. somewhat. Anyway I have lost about 16 pounds and I had started slimming down ,thats what I thought.. I suppose not that much as I was really over 30 pounds overweight for my height..

Im 56 years old . .and I see people . friends that I know and i look at them and feel bad that they are sagging under the chin or they have gotten a little more weight in the face or their skin looks bad.. hmmm Im looking at them.. they are all about my age and feeling bad for them..

I look in the mirror and don't see anything real bad.. a few age spots and a place that looks like it needs to be tucked here and there.hehehehe I thought.. Well.. My daughter and grand daughter came and visited and my wife made photos of all of us.. I was so happy to have photos with them made and felt as though I had changed my looks somewhat to the better
and then realized that.. I looked worse than the photos I was complaining about months ago..

I am so freaked out..I could not believe the age spots.. so many .. and then the double ,triple chin.. and hog jowls lol..

I suppose I was talking about it so much last evening my wife went to sleep worrying about it. My complexion looks terrible.I used to have such a creamy ,olive complexion ,healthy and nice.. now every imperfection that can be noticed is noticed.

Im really not vain .. I swear. lol.. but geez.. Come on.. Men are suppose to get better looking with age not worse lol.. Anyway .. I was thinking about Issac Newton and Da vinci when they were old..wondering if they looked like me and then I looked and Newton had high collars and someone painted him a little chubby in the face but stately .. He also had a long wig on and very nicely dressed..I wish I could dress that way today..so I would be so lucky..Then I wondered what Da Vinci looked like..

Fancy this.... Found there are no paintings or drawings of Da Vinci without a long beard..I mean a really long beard..even when he was young..So Im thinking making let my beard grow and grow and grow and wear a hat and sunglasses all the time and my looks will still be old but nobody will no who I am.>I swear im not vain lol.. Just blowing steam off ..and a little shocked.. ..Michael

25-01-11, 00:29
The fact that you are interested in your appearance is a good thing...The fact that you are worried about it is not!

As a young, single man, I have much more to be worried about looks wise than you do! But droopy-like cheeks and multiple chins do not make a man look old or unattractive. Wear the right clothing and they can make you look wise, and refined! Look at Walter Matthau...That dude had cheeks to the floor and jowels like a turkey and to his dying day he could have made this heterosexual male gay with just one snappy suit and a good turn of phrase.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Growing old gracefully is attractive in a man; look at Michael Douglas...Whereas growing old without grace makes you look like your mother; look at Sylvester Stallone!

25-01-11, 00:33
God Bless You ..You made me feel better and laugh.. and yes .. I suppose its all mental.. about the way you grow old.. gracefully or like and idiot trying to look young and nobody sees you as being young lol.. Im laughing so hard right now and smiling.. thank you .. so very much.. :-)))))

25-01-11, 01:37
No problem.

To tell you the truth I can't wait to be your age. I've been acting like it since my teens; with my constant misery and my world-weary cynicism...And I have the double chin already but that's a story about one too many beers and double cheeseburgers I would rather not tell...

Truth is everyone worries about getting older, but guys have it easier than girls. You can get tuxed up and spin yarns that would have girls 19-29 looking at you with admiration, respect and lust, but the ladies...all they seem to be able to do is moan and knit...

Plus, you have a wife. Which means it can't be all bad and, if you still enjoy this lady's company I can guarantee some younger, hunkier guy would too but, she stays with you and she does so for a reason; and I'm assuming it is not because you're a hideous, sagging grandpa! It's because you've got looks and charm. And that means far more in this world than pecks and pure-white smile!

Leave the anxiety about looking good and getting old to us young folk! We need to worry about that! you stick to looking pretty for your age and enjoying your family time.

And remember what I said before about Michael Douglas...Even if it all goes wrong you could still pull Catherine Zeta Jones and live happily ever after in lustful bliss...

My word what I wouldn't do to that woman...



...Well, take her out for one thing...It'd be too damn expensive. She could make do with a fast food joint or get the hell outta my life the pompous, pretentious overblown Welsh tart...

25-01-11, 02:22
My father is a 63 year old fat austrian, hes married to a 23 year old german - that makes no sense at all.

25-01-11, 03:06
uk23...Get him to write a book about how he did it.

I shall need it when I am older!