View Full Version : job interview and old health anxiety symptoms

25-01-11, 06:33
Ok so I have a job interview this afternoon my first in over 6 years ( I took a break to bring my children up) I am absolutely terrified an all my old symptoms are causing me some problems I feel my heart beating faster, I want to check my pulse, my vision keeps changing an I feel dizzy! So far I am doing well to ignore it an get on with things but I can't help panicking that its going to come full circle in my interview???!!!

My interview is for a job working with people with mental health problems so I really don't want to look like a nut case??!!!!

Any advice how to calm down?

Claire xxx

25-01-11, 09:03
You've had all these symptoms before and they never ever hurt you and they won't this time! Your feeling anxious cuz of the interview which is completely normal, everyone gets anxious before these kind of things.

Try sucking on a sweet or a mint or something, that really helps me when I'm feeling anxious and can't calm my mind down. Do some breathing techniques and if you've got time have a relaxing hot bath for half an hour this morning, doing breathing techniques while I'm actually in the bath really calms me down for a good few hours!

When you get the the interveiw recognise the anxiety as natural anxiety and try and concentrate 100% on what you're saying and being asked not how you feel. Wishing you loads of luck and hope you get the job, you'll be fine :) xx

25-01-11, 09:35
Thankyou so much for your reply! i've realised that ive just been getting myself worked up as usual! i've given myself a stern talking to :D im determind to get through this i've worked really hard on myself to get this far.
I guess this just proves that all my old symptoms were just plain anxiety.
my interview isnt until 2pm so im going to have a nice bubble bath do my hair and take my time getting ready! no rushing around :D

Thanks again xxxx :hugs:

25-01-11, 09:43
Good luck Claira! You will be fantastic - try and remember that often, the symptoms of anxiety and excitement are the same - everybody gets a little bit nervous!!

Hope the bubble bath works wonders

Take care
Amber xx