View Full Version : hello i am lynn

25-01-11, 10:30
Hello everyone.
i have come across this site by accident, but I am so glad i have found it.

I have suffered with anxiety and depression for the last 25 years. Sometimes its really bad and i struggle with day to day life, and other times it okay and i feel liberated and can do anything!!!!!!!.
At the moment I am finding it a struggle. I have been on Prozac for many years and normally take 20mg a day, but have been to see my doctor and he has increased the dose to 40mg a day.

I took the extra dose yesterday and feel more anxious than usual. Is this normal and has anyone else had the same problem. Maybe i should try for a few days with the increased dose and see how i feel.

Any help would be great and i look forward to getting to know you.


25-01-11, 10:31
Hi lpd1958

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
25-01-11, 20:00
Hi Lynn, welcome to a great supportive forum, youre not alone. x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
25-01-11, 22:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

25-01-11, 22:18
Hi Lynn :welcome:. Yes it probably is the upped dose that's making you feel anxious, but it shouldn't last. I'd try to give it a week or so but if you are really struggling ask your doc for the liquid form, which would allow you to go up to 30mg first (or you might even feel that was enough) x

26-01-11, 07:07

Thank you for the welcome posts and also for the advice. I have been taking the higher dose of Prozac for a couple of days now and the anxiety is decreasing so hopefully I will be okay. I am under a lot of stress at the moment as I am a carer for my mum who is termanilly ill with cancer.
Also, my husband who is a great support to me has had to go away on a business trip and my son is busy at college so my support network is a bit depleated at the moment.

Hey but things can only get better.

Lynn x

26-01-11, 12:31
So sorry to hear about your mum Lynn :hugs:, it's no wonder you have been struggling. Glad the anxiety has calmed down a bit and while it's not the same as having your family around NMP is a pretty good support network for a lot of us. Take care xx

26-01-11, 13:05
I Lynn, I feel for you. I too am a carer for my wife. I am also feeling very anxious and it seems to be trying to take over my life. I am on no medication at the moment, hopefully I can stay that way. I have just been diagnosed with High blood pressure and was put on tablets for it. My anxiety has got a lot worse since I have been on them. Glad you are feeling better and i hope it continues. Buster.

27-01-11, 07:47

Thanks for the replies and hello to buster. Its hard work being a carer so i understand how you feel and sometimes its just all a little overwhelming.

As well as taking care of my mum, i also have an autoimmune illness called hughes syndrome. I have heperin injections every day to thin my blood and also i take medication to stop the other problems my illness causes. It's not a wonder i am suffering with anxiety and depression!!!!!!!!!.

I have found this site really useful for information and look forward to getting to know you all better.

Lynn x

29-01-11, 07:33
Hi all

now on day 5 of 40mg of Prozac and my anxiety is not as bad as it was but still not feeling great, but things are better than they were so hopefully over the next few days i will feel more able to cope.

Lynn x

paula lynne
29-01-11, 09:27
Sounds like the Prozac is kicking in Lynn, I hope you continue to feel better and things level out for you soon. Take care x

03-02-11, 07:46
Hi all

Seem to have taken 1 step forward and now 2 steps back.!!!!!

With the higher dose of prozac my anixety seemed to be getting better, but yesterday had a terrible day. Had the shakes and felt spaced out and not with it at all.

Has anyone else found that this has happened to them.

I know i am very anxious due to my mums illness and also my autoimmune problems but i thought i was on the up, only to come crashing back down.

Any advice would be great.

Lynn x