View Full Version : tight chest - anxiety or allergies

25-01-11, 10:41
i am allergic to one of one my cats. so when i got a tight chest and runny nose after stoking her i realised it was that.

i was given a inhaler by a doctor - tried this and sometimes it seems to work.

but yesterday at my desk or out and about i will get a tight chest.

so what is giving me the tight chest at work, etc? is it still the allergies or just plain old anxiety?

(i have got ibs at the moment).


25-01-11, 22:29
I'm not medically qualified, but my doctor told me if it's a heart-related thing, it's more common to get chest pains when you've been exerting yourself, rather than when you're sitting down, and anxiety can cause chest symptoms. When you say tightness, what does it feel like?

25-01-11, 22:45
Hi, I am also allergic to my cats its seems. I get tight chest, sometimes it about feels it closes up altogether when I go into their room. I have a Ventolin Inhaler and a Preventative Inhaler also, which I just got last week as my chest has felt a lot tigher since then. I am also going to go and get a blood test done to see if it is an allergy, have you had this done??

25-01-11, 22:47
Hi, I have to add also that I also get a tight chest in cold weather and in polluted air like very fumy air like at this time of year the smell of lingering petrol fumes sets it all off and it gets better again when going into a warm room or a warm shop for a while, do you get this also perhaps??

26-01-11, 11:19
tightness like i can't breathe. hard to breathe.

haven't had a blood test no. had the tightness after a long walk but also sitting at my desk.

i am allergic to dust and get hayfever.

cold weather could have a factor too.

27-01-11, 22:19
Hi, Yes, I am just the same as that so you are not alone.

25-02-12, 23:28
Me too right now been to seversl docs had x ray ct ultrasound sputum test bloodwork only showed my neutriphils were slightly elevated.not sure what is goin on feel flu like sometimes but no snswers also run a low fever and acid reflex.