View Full Version : I feel like my world has collapsed

25-01-11, 13:00
I have split from my partner of nearly 6 years and from tonight have nowhere to go. I feel so ill because of the stress involved.
We had a massive row last night and I slept on the sofa. I say slept, but I didn't get much sleep after awaking with a massive panic attack and was convinced I was dying.
I telephoned work this morning and took the day off sick. I can't face going there right now.
I'm now sitting here typing this, with my belongings half packed and not a clue where I will go or where to store my stuff.
When will my life get any better? I don't know what to do! :weep:

eternally optimistic
25-01-11, 13:04
Hi Simon

I am so sorry to hear of your situation - that is not good.

Is there any way that you could resolve the argument before moving out.

If you do have to, do you have any family or friends that would put you up.

Your life will get better, it is just not happening for you at the moment.

Thoughts are with you and hope that you can work it all out.

Take care.

25-01-11, 14:45
Hi Simon,

Sorry to hear that. I don't know if you suffer with anxiety anyway but a situation like this is enough to make anyone feel ill.

Obviously I don't know the circumstances but is there no way of resolving this? If there is no going back then perhaps it's for the best. If something is going wrong in the relationship then it's no a healthy relationship for either of you although it may not feel like that now.

Do you have any friends or family that you can stay with? If you really have nowhere to go then perhaps you should discuss staying where you are if you can until you can find somewhere to stay. I'm sure that your partner wouldn't see you homeless.

I can relate to some of what you're feeling in that I split up with my partner in the summer of 2008 after 12 years and had to go to live with my mum. I ended up staying with her until Jan 2010 as I couldn't afford to live anywhere on my own. Now I have a new boyfriend that I live with & so there is light at the end of the tunnel. You can & will be happy again.

I do feel really bad for you as anxiety is horrible to have to deal with at the best of times without having this aswell

Take care & keep us posted


06-02-11, 00:57

Just read your post and you might be sorted now but if you arent you will get over this and we are all here to help you. Hugs mate and things happen for a reason, no reasoning we can come up with at the time but eventually it becomes clear. I hope you are ok and if you want to talk we are all here for you. xxx