View Full Version : I'm feeling worse than ever now!

29-03-06, 13:48
Hi everyone, I posted to say I was having trouble with my throat and swallowing, well that is no better and things have now escalated onto my breathing. I am in a total mess at the moment, I was prescribed some medication from my GP last week which I cannot take for fear of the side effects, it's pathetic really, I keep trying to tell myself that I couldn't feel any worse than I do right now. I'm barely eating as I sit and think constantly that it will get stuck so I end up feeling every tiny bit that I am eating go down and then convince myself it is still there.

I really feel like I am suffocating I feel there is a lump in my throat that it stopping me from getting any air down, I constantly take deep breaths, and to top it off I feel that I have an elephant or something very heavy sitting on my chest. The back of my neck aches and feels like my head just wants to fall off. And to really round it up these feelings are continually with me, from the minute I open my eyes in the morning and until I close them at night. I feel I am never going to be able to stop them and they are suceeding in making my life a misery.

I can't concentrate on anything, I am short and snappy with everyone close to me and my children don't understand why but I seem to have really lost the plot with it now and as hard as I try to tell myself there is nothing serious wrong with me my body is trying very hard to convince me that there is with it's wonderful array of symptoms.

I am desperately in need of some help and would love to go to sleep and wake up and it has all been a dream.

29-03-06, 13:59
You sound like me, you describe things in the way I want to describe my symptoms and can't quite manage. I could have wrote your message.

I won't take any medication for the exact same reasons as you. Invest in Claire Weekes books self help for your nerves. You will then start to understand what is happening to you.

You are not alone.

If you want to chat email me or pm me maxine2k6@hotmail.co.uk.

We all know what you are going through. You are stronger than you realise.


31-03-06, 14:05
I got the book Self Help for your Nerves but find it extremely difficult to concentrate for any length of time on anything especially reading.

I've been back to see my doctor this morning who is lovely and has sat and listened and done his best to reassure me that I'm fine and that it is all nerves and anxiety but it is just so hard to believe that when I sit here going through all the symptoms I didn't tell him, like the neck ache, the elephant sitting on my chest and the fact that I don't seem to be able to stop myself shaking inside my tummy. Added to this I seem to feel constantly nauseous at the moment too, could have something to do with shaky tummy though I guess.

My jaw aches too as I am so tensed up, its awful. He has given me some diazapam and anti-depressants that I have had in past and they obviously did work but I just cannot bring myself to take anything, it's totally crazy to feel this way, surely I cannot get any worse, I'm totally shattered anyway, as I am wearing myself out worrying and Im not eating very well at the moment which doesn't help.