View Full Version : Lump under skin

25-01-11, 15:22
I have this lump, no bigger than a pea (probably smaller because i do blow things out of proportion when i worry!).
It's at the top of one of my buttocks, nearly where my bum meets my back.
I've had it for months, maybe even over a year and i've never really been that worried about it because it is so small i can only usually feel it when i try to but just lately i've started to freak out about it! I think it's because I've always just thought it was one of those things (like a fatty lump or cysts) and that it is harmless but then i read that cysts move around when you touch them and my lump is quite hard.
It is almost like a lump of hard skin but with a layer of soft skin on the top?!
It doesn't hurt and you can't really see it from the outside.
I'm so worried that it could be cancer. The only thing making me feel better is that i've never heard of anyone having cancer in that area or under the skin.
Has anyone else had a similar thing before?
I'm going to see a doctor but I'm freaking out incase it is cancer and i've left it for so long it's too late :(
Thank you for reading.

25-01-11, 16:10
Oh my goodness!
I just googled it and now i'm convicned it's a sarcoma because it's hard and it doesn't move under the skin.
A lady posted in a forum and said her son died from it and another man said he had to have his whole buttock removed.
I also real it reoccurs frequently :(
I'm shaking so much i can barely type.

25-01-11, 16:16

I have one in my upper arm and it doesn't really move at all and its hard, its about the size of a petit pois maybe a bit smaller - I've had it for about 10 years I think. You have described exactly what I have.

You don't have a sarcoma.


25-01-11, 16:25
Hi There

Think logically , you say you have had it for maybe a year and its got no bigger , surely this says in its self its nothing . You have also done DR google which is the worse thing to do . See your Doctor to put your mind at rest but think positive , its probably just a harmless cyst .

25-01-11, 16:28
Thank you sooo much for your reply.
It's made me feel so much better!

I've managed to calm myself down and found this:

I'm going to see a doctor this evening :)

Thank you again for your reply. I'm going to stop looking online now and try to distract myself!

25-01-11, 16:33
Thanks Mel,

I know how daft I get when I have these little panic episodes!

25-01-11, 16:38
Thats great , you,ll see the doc and then be able to enjoy the rest of your evening :D

Let us know how you get on , but you will be fine .

26-01-11, 15:31
Just a quick update. I wasn't able to see a doctor yesterday evening as I went to a walk in GP surgery and it was full :(.

Going to make an appointment to see my local GP, hoping there is an appointment available before the weekend.

I'm still quite worried but I'm trying to stay rational!

26-01-11, 17:04
Sorry to hear you couldn't be seen by a Dr - don't worry though, its going to be fine. I have never worried about the one on my arm, which is really weird considering how bad my health anxiety is and how much I worry about other lumps.

Let us know how you get on once you've been.


28-01-11, 15:28
Hi again,
I'm so relieved!
I have just got back from seeing my doctor and my lump is a sebacious cyst. He said there is nothing to worry about it's totally harmless and it may shrink on it's own or stay for my whole life, but as long as it isn't bothering me there is no point in taking any further action. :D
I'm also over the moon because I met my new doctor for he first time and he is much less scary than my previous doctor!
I just want to say thank you to you both for helping me out, it really made me feel better. :D

Becca x

28-01-11, 15:43
Really pleased for you , have a lovely weekend :yesyes:

28-01-11, 16:06
This is great news!

Also good to hear you have a good dr.
