View Full Version : Feels i cant swollow

25-01-11, 17:05
can any one help ive been suffring with sever anxiety now for a few yrs and and i was doing ok started to cope better with it but since xmas ive had a very stressfull time with worrie over one of my daughters which has made my anxiety worse now as im getting some of the symtoms back i used get i.e tightness round my ribs feeling sick feeling weird and abit funny now and then but now ive got a new symtom i feel i cant swollow now and then i can eat and drink ok but when i get the feeling i cant swollow i start to get abit panicky and want to go strait up to see my gp or fone nhs direct up but inm trying to stup myself from doing this but cant stop worrieng about it has any one else had or has this if so please reasure me thks

25-01-11, 17:35
I have this right now and it is horrible but I promise it will pass and it is just anxeity. I know its difficuklt but you have to try and relax a little or the feeling will just get worse (talking from experience!) I find having a galss of water with me helps so I can take little sips which seems to make it a little better.

Hope you feel a little reassured and better


25-01-11, 18:43
hi thk u for ur advice and i feel abit better for it thk u

25-01-11, 19:15
I went through a phase in which I would for no apparent reason feel like I couldn't swallow. Of course, it never actually came to pass but the feeling is pretty scary. One thing I've learned over time is that my anxiety symptoms shift a bit. Manifestations that were common a year or two back get replaced with others. I refer to it as my anxiety's bag of tricks. Hang in there, this symptom will pass.

07-03-15, 21:12
I know this is a old post but how did you get out of this everytime.I swallow I forget how or it just does not happen im freaking out been a week now unable to swallow