View Full Version : Pain in my whole body

25-01-11, 18:33
Well some of you might may have notice's I've been on here the last couple of days as I found a lump in my breast and am now waiting on the results of a biopsy, Im totally freaking out about it and my anxiety and depression are at an all time low.

However please could someone advise if these symptoms sound anxiety related, for the last couple of days it's felt like my whole body hurts, my back, shoulders, legs, calfskin, hands, everywhere, now I'm ferried that I have breast cancer and it's spread to my bones, hence why my whole body hurts, do you think it's because I'm focusing to much on the pain, please anyone in my situation advise.

26-01-11, 09:05
It probably is because your focusing on it more that it's getting to you more. I get sudden and random aches and pains all over my body but not so much all at once. Just an arm and chest or feet and legs. If it's lasting for over a week or so visit your GP just to get it off your chest that there is nothing wrong. You will be fine :) Good Luck!

26-01-11, 09:13
are your muscles tense?
Mine tense up so bad, my neck muscles to me feel almost hard / stiff,
My shoulders are always tense, my arms do be achy...
then my lower back aches, legs, knees, ankles ,
random sharp pain,
I sometimes can even feel my tummy tensing up.
very uncomfortable.
when you are tense all the time then can get extra pain too, I think.

take painkillers, hot bath or showers, hot water bottles, massages to help release the tension.