View Full Version : Anxiety destroying me

anx mum
25-01-11, 20:05
Woke up this morning really anxious couldnt breath my hubby was going to work asked him to stay as felt really bad. Got myself in a state couldnt breath panicking so rung ambulance out they came and said need to check me over at a and e. Because of breathing and chest pain said they were checking me for blood clot as recently had baby. Really scared me as lost my mum to a P/A. Blood came bk normal and im bk home its really scared me the physical symptoms. Just wanna b well again:weep:

25-01-11, 20:13
awwww poor u! i really feel for u i do its so horrible! i used to be like that aswel askin my partner to stay at home wenever i felt like that. then i wud just break down crying for no reason and i too was just after having a baby and was thinking all sorts. its soooooo sooooo annoying. did u speak to ure gp about it?

anx mum
25-01-11, 20:15
awwww poor u! i really feel for u i do its so horrible! i used to be like that aswel askin my partner to stay at home wenever i felt like that. then i wud just break down crying for no reason and i too was just after having a baby and was thinking all sorts. its soooooo sooooo annoying. did u speak to ure gp about it?

Yeah just on meds hate feeling like this:weep: dont think my hubby really understands.

25-01-11, 20:20
they dont really understand do they? like mine he sometimes gets mad and frustrated at me saying just shake it off and its all in yer head, no real symphaty at all. i suppose they dont truly understand unless they are going tru it themselfs. i hope u feel a bit better soon. :hugs:

25-01-11, 20:58
I was the spouse that didn't understand what my hubby was going through when he started having panic attacks 8 years ago. I can honestly say that because I didn't understand how it felt to have these attacks, I was probably pretty nasty to him, telling him to get over it. Well, I got mine. I now suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. So tell your significant others to watch themselves because they could get theirs too!!!

Anx mum....are you taking any kind of medication for when these attacks come on? Something like Xanax or Klonopin? I take Xanax now which works very well for me at the lowest dose. But when I first started having panic attacks, I was on Klonopin and it worked very well. It just seems that you are on here quite often with attacks and there is medication out there that can help you!! I hate to see people suffer with panic because I know how horrible it can be!

anx mum
25-01-11, 21:01
I was the spouse that didn't understand what my hubby was going through when he started having panic attacks 8 years ago. I can honestly say that because I didn't understand how it felt to have these attacks, I was probably pretty nasty to him, telling him to get over it. Well, I got mine. I now suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. So tell your significant others to watch themselves because they could get theirs too!!!

Anx mum....are you taking any kind of medication for when these attacks come on? Something like Xanax or Klonopin? I take Xanax now which works very well for me at the lowest dose. But when I first started having panic attacks, I was on Klonopin and it worked very well. It just seems that you are on here quite often with attacks and there is medication out there that can help you!! I hate to see people suffer with panic because I know how horrible it can be!

Doc today has put me on loperazam as not coping is that like xanax? One doc wouldnt give them me cos addittive. Really feel like writing a book about anxiety

25-01-11, 21:09

You will feel better soon , its just rideing it out . Are thouse meds the same as diazapam (valium)

anx mum
25-01-11, 21:12

You will feel better soon , its just rideing it out . Are thouse meds the same as diazapam (valium)

Yeah think so do calm me just had enough now wanna enjoy my new baby and kids this is awful

25-01-11, 21:29
Hi , what the doctor did with me was to give me 14 x 2 mg of valium to take as and when i needed it .....first time perscription . I got a repeat one (had to write and ask) so then i,ve had 28 altogether , but only one a day .

The next time i went to my gp i got the option of cit 20 mg as she said i would become addicted to the valium , but she gave me both at the time as the cit would not work for a week she said .

Perhaps something along the same lines might be an option for you at some stage .

Things will get better , you are haveing a real bad time with it at the moment :weep:

Hope this helps