View Full Version : need help

25-01-11, 20:29
today has been an okish day BUT my pain went away most of day but now is back in nose and forehead. also had a throbbing pain for a few seconds earlier on in temple.
also keep getting my eyes feeling funny. like im going to black out. i keep blinking loads sometimes (about 10 times in a second it feels like) they also ache and feel sore and sometimes stinging. what i want to know is why i had that headache for 3 days again.... i had bad sinus issues b4 then it went for a week (still had it mild) and then it came back again/
also today my mum used bleach in my room and polish and now im scared of getting that in my mouth and suffocating. Had bad nausea at start of day. still worried about an underlying infection from having a cold and sinus issues.

anyway the main point of this post was about my families attitude towards my HA. earlier on my mum came in my room looking at the slight damp on my wall. i asked her if it was allright and she snapped at me, started shouting and throwing things around saying "you need to stop thinking this la la la" she then went to tell my dad who had an even bigger go at me. then when i tried to explain she just shouted "im your mother be quiet i know whats best for you". ( my mum can not read or write either) shes always been this way with me and has never listend to my opinion. she has ran around the house in rage once with a real cricket bat threating to hit me with it :\. she also threw a load of shoes at me one time aswell. My nan is the only one i can talk to but shes on holiday for 2 months. My nan worked in a hospital for 27 years so shes the only one that can even begin to understand.
they refuse to go to my counessing session with me in a few weeks and wont fill in the form that got sent to them to fill in :(. the claim i dont need help and its all in my head and i just need to forgot about it. I spent the evening in my room in tears over there comments.
i have so much pain in my shoulders, back, chest and neck now. i cant even touch there without cringing in pain.
Also another thing is for months now ive been having dreams of me dying or my friends dying in tragic accidents. i had one last night and i suddenly jotled up in my bed. I also have dreams were people have/get serious illnesses.
I feel like every day im slowly dying.
Also now i have the pain back again in my nose mainly and my head- my nose really hurts but the head is no were near as bad.
also find out results from a swab i had taken below to check for infection- i am dreading it :(

macc noodle
25-01-11, 20:40
Emma hun, it is really hard for you at the moment I can tell from all your posts. :weep:

BUT you are not alone and you will feel better again in time.

First of all, your family are probably at a loss as to what to do to make you feel better and it sounds as if they are struggling with the situation. Is there someone you can talk to who could act as a mediator between you and your parents? Someone who will be able to see both sides?

If you cannot find someone - please ring your GP and ask for some help with this.

You are clearly stressed to high heaven - that is why your shoulders, back, chest and neck ache. It is all stress and anxiety.


I know it is scary when you are stuck in this - I am nearly 50 and hate it, so can only imagine what is feels like to be young and having the problems.

Emma, if you are struggling with your sinuses tonight - why not try and have some steam? Get a nice warm drink (preferably hot water and lemon)

Take care


25-01-11, 20:49
Thanks. I hate the thought that im wasting my teenage years worrying. I want to enjoy life lol. I will be attending counessling but on my own or maybe with a really good friend of mine.
Im just scared because my sinuses cleared up then flared up again. This time with ear pain sometimes to and nausea instead of dizziness.
Going to have some steam with olbas oil, hot bath and hot drink and hot water bottle then try and sleep

actually am feeling a bit faint now- like im going to fall backwards

macc noodle
25-01-11, 21:20
Did you faint? Fall backwards? Hope not!!!!!

When I had counselling the guy said to me "what was the worst that could happen" - I said "I could die" and he said NO WAY!

He said that the worse that could happen if I would faint from not breathing properly - never did Emma although felt like it millions and millions of times!!!

I believe that you can overcome this and I think it is a good idea if you have a good friend who can come with you to counselling (although they will probably not be allowed in the session with you but they can be there for you before and after).

Chin up girl - you will get there in the end :D

25-01-11, 21:24
thanks. was in bath and noticed two tiny little black spots next to each other (so small no one else can see them) i panicked and started scrubbing at it really head and have made my finger sore. was scared it was a splinter lol. also my throat/nect hurt :(

26-01-11, 11:51
the two tiny black spots are still there this morning :@. you have to looks so close to see them though (it makes me think i have a tiny piece of wood inside my finger :( and thats why ive been feeling sick). also still got a pain in my nose :( really worried about my sinuses. i cant even sit up straight without my back hurting now and my neck is twitching and i keep jolting. Im scared i wont even live to see the day i have counessling.

26-01-11, 13:05
can sinus issues be started by anxiety? also feel nauseas again today and when i burp i get a horrible vomit-like tatse in mouth although its not as acidity as tasting as vomit.

26-01-11, 15:31
im now all alone in the house and im worrying :(

26-01-11, 16:20
Hi Emma,
I just want to tell you that I know how you feel. I worry about EVERYTHING!
I don't know if your sinus can be affected by anxiety but i get sinus trouble too and in the past I've thought it's symtoms of all sorts of horrible things. As for the burping, it sounds totally normal!
When i start to worry the first thing i do is try to distract myself. Try putting the TV on...or play a minigame online.

26-01-11, 16:43
thanks x
im really worried about the tiny little black marks on my skin- its not ink :(

macc noodle
26-01-11, 16:45
Emma - what do you imagine that they are?

26-01-11, 16:47
i dont know but i cant help but think there something terrible.

26-01-11, 16:55
im worried im not going to live to see tommorow :( meant to be going to london tommorow. yesterday my dad moved my bed up against the wall thats damp so i moved it back and this morning when he came he shouted at me "oh you only moved it back because your scared of getting hyopthermia" its commnets like that, that make me really up set.

26-01-11, 17:08
also got sore feelings under tounge in mouth, throat and neck :( feels like im gonna stop breathing.

26-01-11, 17:12
Hi Emma

Just wanted to see if you are feeling better.

I often get these symptoms and it is just anxiety but at the time it all feels so real it can't possibly be.

You're not alone with this.


26-01-11, 17:59
thanks :D still worried about the black tinyy dots though

26-01-11, 18:03
feel really sickly, headache, nose pain etc

macc noodle
26-01-11, 19:18
Hey Emma - what you going to London for - something exciting? :)

26-01-11, 19:21
yep. going into the houses of parliment. part of politics as course :D

macc noodle
26-01-11, 19:27
FAB - have a great day - you will be fine - don't even think once about how you feel just enjoy the day!!!:D

Yeh and if you see Cameron or Osborne tell them I can't afford this petrol price !!! lol

26-01-11, 19:30
Thanks. I think id have to hold my self back from saying something really rude to cameron.
I have really bad pain in nose this evening and its killing me.

26-01-11, 20:03
also feeling things were those little black dots are

26-01-11, 20:13
Just got up to walk now and on my right foot underneath it..... theres a ridge feeling when i walk. i can feel it :'( i havnt got anything on it but it feels like a whole piece of my skin is tucked in.

26-01-11, 20:14
its sooo uncomfy to walk on

26-01-11, 20:16
been havint itchy skin everywere for last few days aswell :(

26-01-11, 21:11
i keep feeling things there now and it was right were the ankle part of your sock would go on the back :( it was like a huge dent all the way along there. i just want to wake up tommorow when i go to sleep

macc noodle
27-01-11, 22:19
Hey Emma

How was London??? Hope you had a good time?

28-01-11, 17:04
I've never been inside the houses of parliament, what's it like?