View Full Version : checking Pulse (HELP)

25-01-11, 20:57
God where do i start, This has been going on for over 1 year now after my Panic attack back in Novermber 2009, i would check my pulse everyday my heart would be anything from 120 to 160 beats a min, i would have to sit or lay down and yes it would still be fast 110 or 120, well as i said its been over a year and im still feeling my pulse i dont know why i do it as i cant feel my heart racing unless i feel my pulse, But there is a funny feeling i get its like a presure from my neck to my head that makes me feel my pulse, at the time i get this feeling my heart is slow then it will race, now listen to this i have stairs in my house lol, i will walk to the top and my heart will be 130, i will walk back down and sit down and it will be 100 then 95 then 79 beats a min, but it will race for no reason even when im sitting or laying down, now ive had tests ECGs ECHO, BLOODS and all normal so why the hell is my heart still racing, can anxitey really do this for years, is it harmful as this is a worry to me, i also get pains in my chest my back, ive even had XRAYS of my chest all clear STOOL test all clear, why does my heart race when i drive why does it race when im talking to somone just standing in a shop i feel off balance and my heart is racing, do you know what i feel i cant go on anymore with life as i dont seem to get anyone who cares, i get told im ok but i dont feel ok so please somone who ever i need to know is this really Anxitey am i going mad.
Thank you Ian :weep:

26-01-11, 03:19
It's anxiety. My heart does it all the time when I'm anxious, my pulse just races! I've been to the doctor and everything came back normal for me. The heart is very strong and a fast pulse won't do anything but annoy you!

26-01-11, 06:55
I was a compulsive pulse checker but over time ive learned that your heart rate cant be predicted it is never the same it can race for no reason known to us but it has its reasons! you have to stop checking it an let it do its job!! If you had a heart problem it would have been detected by now!
I know how hard it is to stop i had to have cognitive behavioural therapy to rid me of it an it works. I now no longer check my pulse i leave it be! The thing is even if it is racing we cant do anything to slow it down it does that its self!
The more you check the more anxious you become!
Oh an those rates you mention arnt dangerously high so try not to worry!

Claire xx

26-01-11, 10:26
Has your doctor mentioned beta-blockers like propanalol.... these can stop...... not literally!!...... the racing heart and are very effective with usually no side significant side effects.

26-01-11, 11:06
First of i would like to thank you all for your replys, Claire ive done cognitive behavioural therapy and yes they do tell you how to stop checking your pulse and ive tried so hard not to, ive lost 2 stone in weight in under 1 year, so again its all a worry to me, Geoff yes ive taken propanalol 10mg it will slow it down for a while but will race again so have given up on the propanalol. Thanks for all your help ian