View Full Version : I don,t suppose....

25-01-11, 21:16
....after being on cit 20 mg for 12 days i could be on the up ??

I still feel terrible in the mornings and take my poisen at 1 ish , but this afternoon i cleaned the kitchen . Went to sit and mope again which i did for 30 minutes then i thought sod it, i peeled the spuds and cooked tea for when the wife and kids came home , and even took the dog out . Not a big deal i know , but it is for me seeing as the couch is now the same shape as me and the kids have been calling me the horizontal champion .

Probably to early to tell as i usually feel ok at night but i,m determined to get to work tommorow even if its just half a day .

25-01-11, 22:29
It is a big deal if it's a sign you're feeling better Mel. Well done and hope tomorrow is another good day :yesyes:

25-01-11, 22:33

seems to me like things are certainly improving. Don't put it all down to just your meds though, in fact 12 days is a very short time for citalopram to start working!
Sitting and moping for half an hour before thinking 'sod this for a game of soldiers' and carrying on with things is a sign of your strength of mind and your desire to get better.

Here's hoping things keep improving for you.

25-01-11, 22:35
Thanks Jane , i,m hopefull :D

I don,t want to let myself down again , it sets me back .

25-01-11, 23:47
Well done Mel ..Take things slowly and one day at a time for now .You only let yourself down when you dont get back up again .Hope tommorow goes well ..sue x:hugs:

25-01-11, 23:50
Thanks guys :D

26-01-11, 22:46
Good day again today , i did four hours at work (conked out when i got home) cooked tea again and i feel a whole let better .

One problem i still have is my acid stomach problem and the feeling of food stuck in my back when i eat , but it dissapears when i,ve had a few beers but its a habit (the beer) that is creeping back this last week , so i need to knock this on the head to heal my stomach properly .
I,m back at the docs 8.30 in the morning to see how i,ve got on with two weeks of cit 20 mg , plus 1x 2 mg of valium a day (done this for 2 months ).
I,m a little worried about knocking off the 2 mg of valuim so i,ll ask for a last dose of 14 tabs and start cutting them in half at night i think .

I hope things continue to improve , but i need to kick the beer .

28-01-11, 19:37
Still feeling better , been to work again today and feel more up beat but still very low in the mornings but once i get going i,m fine , its the thought of going to work and getting on with things rather than the doing thats the problem .
I,ve booked work in for Monday and feel postive . Just thought i,d post as it might help others feel more positive .

Thanks for everyones help.