View Full Version : Citalopram help

25-01-11, 21:55
I have recently been prescribed Citalopram and am not sure if it's for me. I have been on 20mg since Tuesday (5 days ago) and it is making me sick. I am feeling worse than I have ever felt. If I thought telling my doctor that I felt like a completely useless waste of space was bad then this is hell. I'm on edge - what can I do? Just as I thought this wouldn't help - it hasn't.

25-01-11, 21:58
Citalopram can take a while to kick in. Anywhere up to 8 weeks if my memory serves me correctly. So try not to panic, or worry that it is not working. It just takes time.

If you are truly worried, or if your sickness becomes too much to deal with then go back to your doctor. If they believe the citalopram could work they could put you on some short term meds to help you deal with any nausea.

Unfortunately, citalopram, like most SSRIs is not an instant cure. It takes time and hard work on your part. But just remember you can and will get better, and even if cit is not the medication for you, there are many other options; so all is not lost.

25-01-11, 23:08
It's a tough couple of weeks starting on citalopram. I didn't bite the bullet, instead took just 10mg for the first 2 or 3 weeks, an option if you're really struggling...

Take them after a meal, less likely to irritate the stomach.

It's helped me loads though, barely remember the initial side effects and was only 7 months ago.

Keep us posted X

26-01-11, 10:04
I had unpleasant side affects for quite a few weeks and stuck with them. Like you I felt worse. Try and go for long walks as this does help. I have been on them 7 weeks and am now starting to feel more relaxed rather than extremely anxious, tearful and worse than I felt before I took the pills. Hang on in there with them. I am sleeping better now and the hot sweats have slowly started to disappear. If you find yourself waking up in the early hours, get up make a drink and read or anything that can take your mind of it.

Stay of caffeine and alcohol and try and eat at regular times

Hope this helps.

26-01-11, 10:27
First couple of weeks were tough, but if you can, stick with it. I started off on 20mg and am now on 25mg, which seems to be working for me. Hang on in there. xx

26-01-11, 12:08
now exactly 3 weeks on them, the odd side effects are wearing of, still waking up at 4am with the hot sweats, when i spoke to my gp yesterday she did say on average it takes about 6 weeks before you notice any real effect (or is it affect?) so try and stick with it...