View Full Version : Fear Of An 'Undiagnosed Heart Condition'

26-01-11, 00:58
This is a fear that really gets me, as in my mind reassurance blood tests etc. can spot most illnesses, but of course an undiagnosed heart condition is just that, undiagnosed.

I'm a 19 year old male, fairly healthy, average if not just a tiny bit under weight (8 and a half stones, 5'8 or so).
Now the fear is of such conditions that have either been there my whole life or have developed recently or gotten worse.

The reason I worry about this - last year in a friends school a seemingly happy healthy guy with no diagnosed problems died in his sleep one night, with an undiagnosed heart condition. The guy was quite sporty and was fine in school one day etc....

Now to be honest that scares the daylights out of me, and to be honest I think I am looking for some reassurance regarding it. Sometimes it can get to me, like for instance half an hour ago I drew in that breath just before you sneeze and I had what could only be described as a heart twing,e thus setting off such feelings in my head, worrying times.. :weep:

26-01-11, 11:54
im a 17 year old girl. 8.5 stone and 5 foot 6. i used to worry all the time all about heart conditions. It is so so so rare at our age that its not worth even thinking about. I used to be aware of my breathing from the seconds i got up to the seconds i managed to fall asleep. and i used to notice my heart beating 5 times instead of just once. I used to get twinges near my heart aswell. As soon as you realise this is all anxiety and forgot about it goes. I never had any tests done and im still here today :D hope you feel better soon

26-01-11, 13:08
As Em says its so remote a possibiity thats its not worth worrying about. The hardest thing to overcome and of course none of us on here have yet done it! is to accept that we cannot ever have control over our health - we can try by eating well etc etc but we cannot control all illness, okay we can control not getting alcoholic liver disease say by not drinking alcohol and you will not catch malaria or sleeping sickness if you stay in the Uk but otherwise we do not have control and that is what scares us so much as we suffer from a form of OCD.

have you talked to your Dr about your fear as they may give you an ecg just to reassure you but you don't really need one and as I know from bitter experience that we end up staggering from one medical test to another because as soon as we are reassured of one fear up pops another:mad: