View Full Version : Not again!!

26-01-11, 04:27
After my previous health anxiety concerning my throat was nipped in the bud, I felt great!! Then......there's always a then, I had something strange happen. I was laying in bed the other night and woke up about 1AM. I got up to put some wood in the wood stove, and went back to bed. Later, as I was drifting off to sleep, I had a bad episode of vertigo. It lasted about ten seconds before I got my wits about me. Afterward, I was afraid to go back to sleep, and felt a little dizzy and slightly nauseous.

So, I got up and went to the couch, and sat up for an hour or so. I also went to the bathroom (number 2). I finally went back to bed, and my stomach was rumbling really bad. I got up and went to the bath room again. Later, I had to go to the bathroom a third time, and then a fourth. By this time I had diarrhea. All the next day I didn't feel right, because I was slightly dizzy still. I took it easy all day, and ended up sleeping propped up in the sitting position that night.

On Monday morning, I was still a little dizzy, but went to work. I work in construction, so I was a little worried about how I would do. Once I started working, I felt great, and in fact felt perfectly normal by the end of work, and had a great evening.

Fast forward to today. I had today off because we were waiting for a material drop. So, I started working on my taxes. I could feel myself getting a little dizzy but not too bad. Later I went out to my weight room to lift weights. I work out four times a week, and always have. I was doing my usual bench press, and after doing a set, I sat up and had a dizzy spell. Nothing like my vertigo episode, but it was definitely noticeable. I sat there a minute, and it passed. I finished my work out, but felt slightly dizzy. I am still feeling a little dizzy as I type this. Keep in mind that yesterday at work, I lifted stuff all day long, and the work day actually made me feel great. So I don't see how a 20 minute work out could bring on a dizzy spell.

Is this anxiety still at work? Or maybe I have a stomach virus? I thought it was odd how being at work yesterday made me feel completely normal, and then back at the house all alone today, I get dizzy again.

This stuff SUCKS! :mad:

26-01-11, 06:40
Sounds very much like its anxiety to me, especially as you said you felt better when you were working.

26-01-11, 11:22
Could be multiple reasons - if you are very fit then your blood pressure will be on the low side anyway so any sudden change of position like getting up or doing hard exercise could make you dizzy or faintish. A stomach virus as in any virus can make you dizzy and guess what a virus lowers your blood pressure! Last but not least is that anxiety can produce all of the symptoms as well - I find that if I have vertigo i get a pure adrenalin rush that goes straight to my bowels:) every single time I feel fiant or have dizziness I then go to loo a few times afterwards and this is pure anxiety response. None of it is serious just annoying!

26-01-11, 11:38
I had a sudden vertigo turn December 2009, just one episode followed by a few days lightheaded feeling. In my case it was a sinus related issue.But GP did tell me that anxiety can cause it too.

26-01-11, 12:05
I've had vertigo again recently after having a virus which included stomach symptoms, I've been dizzy off and on for a couple of weeks but last night I went to the supermarket, which I was dreading, but was fine :)

Hopefully it's related to you being ill too and will pass fairly quickly - try not to dwell on it too much x

27-01-11, 02:16
Thanks for all the reply's!! I'm back from another day at work, and once again feel great!! I really think it has to do with the vigorous activity required when you work in construction. It causes you to breathe plenty of fresh air all day long, and keeps your mind occupied.

When I'm home, I don't think I breathe correctly. (not enough?) At work, I'm climbing, lifting, pulling, etc, and this causes you to breathe alot deeper. Not to mention, it's fresh air from outside.

31-01-11, 14:47
Friday night was my best night of sleep I had all week. I felt really good all day Saturday. However, Saturday night, I felt dizzy again when I was trying to sleep. Then, last night was really weird. I slept for a few hours, then woke up, and was feeling dizzy. I also felt very strange. It's hard to describe the feeling I was having. Almost like I was on the verge of losing reality. Like at any second I was going to slip over to the other side whatever that might be. Things just didn't seem quite right. This made me get really warm, and my heart was beating faster.

I ended up praying, and then thinking happy thoughts. This helped, but the feeling came back a few times in a wave like manner. I also propped myself up in a half seated position with pillows. Later I felt fine, pulled the pillows out, and laid back down and slept.

I'm not sure why this is happening. Night time was usually my break time from any anxiety I might be having during the day. Now I have to worry when I go to bed weather or not I am going to sleep.

The dizziness seems like it's on two levels. Right now typing this is making me slightly dizzy. Also reading on my pc screen makes me a little dizzy. One family member says I need bifocals. But, why do I get dizzy at night in the dark? :wacko: