View Full Version : Arms & Legs Falling Asleep-Was Not What I Thought!

26-01-11, 05:46
Hi all,

As I continually learn to understand this panic/anxiety that has come upon me and just when I feel like I'm grasping the concept of it. Wham- I'm hit with other symptoms. I want to post this in case others have the same symptoms-it may bring relief.

So for the last 10 days, my arms and legs have been falling asleep, as well as being achy, having spasms and small pains here and there. At the first sign of it-I called my doctor and told her about my legs. She recommended a calcium supplement, which I went ahead and put myself on.

Today as I sat at my computer, both arms and legs fell asleep and then I felt dizziness which included black floaties in my vision. It scared me really bad. I tried to call my doctor and she never called me back, so I took myself to the emergency room. In fact I just got out of there. They took several blood tests. All of my tests came back excellent. So it's not stroke symptoms, no heart attack, its not neurological and definately not a blood clot because its not a centralized pain with swelling and not a pinched nerve. And during the last 10 days-I haven't even felt panicked. In fact the doctor asked me if I needed anything for my anxiety. I was like "no I'm fine." Just want to find out whats going on with my arms & legs.

So after 3 hrs and 5 tubes of blood, I learned one more thing about panic attacks and anxiety. "Muscle Tension," can make you feel achy and your limbs can fall asleep. Yes, its okay to take over the counter naproxen sodium with prozac. And now I have new vocabulary for my self talk. But the best thing about my trip to the ER- I am relieved because my worst fears were not realized and I feel like the Prozac is going to do its job.

Everyone keep your chin up! There is hope. :yahoo:


26-01-11, 17:14
So glad you are feeling better.
