View Full Version : does anyone else feel like this?

26-01-11, 08:53
when my anxiety first started it was really bad and i always felt anxious everyday..it was all i thought about!

i feel that now i have finally reached a point where i have it under control..i dont have bad days anymore..just a few moments here and there where i become anxious again, but it doesnt last long.

my problem that i have now is that i cant seem to shake the constant reminding thoughts of my anxiety...its almost like im going through my day feeling normal and then bam i get that thought: "hey everything isnt normal because you still have anxiety to worry about!" it sends this feeling of panic and doom all over my body. :weep: its like my anxiety is lurking in the background, and wont let me forget!!

does anyone else experience this? what can i do? will it ever stop?

26-01-11, 09:33
Hello just to let you know im in the same boat im always thinking about what im thinking about if you can understand that trying just to accept it all and then i start to worry whats normal or not so hopefully this part wont last long take care and sorry im not much help x

26-01-11, 13:20
Hi melly, That's exactly how I feel. It's the worry that sets it off we need to control our worry and direct it in a more direct manor. I know it's easier said than done, but It can be done.

26-01-11, 15:47
It's impossible to control one's feelings, but it is possible to control one's thoughts, which cause those feelings.

We feel what we think, and if our thoughts are negative, our emotional state tends to be negative as well. I think this is an important connection to bear in mind, one, incidentally, that Neurolinguistic Programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy are based on.

As it is impossible to control our emotions efficiently, and any attempt to control them only likely to make those feelings more extreme, we all have the option of changing our thinking and attitudes into a more positive and self-accepting direction, which has the power to relax.

Once you manage to accept your anxiety or panic, or whatever it is that is making your life a misery (as opposed to feel ashamed of it, or fight it or run away from it), you have half the battle won!

26-01-11, 19:35
thanks guy for your responses. It makes me feel better knowing that im not the only one...im sorry that you guys are having to go through this too!!

28-01-11, 20:13
Great post European. Lots of solid helpful Cbt info:)

28-01-11, 20:23
Yes, great post European. Also, when I spoke to my cbt therapist about spending too much time thinking about the anxiety/worries and trying to correct my negative thought patterns he suggested that I make a 'worry time' and concentrate on that. That is, when I have a 'worry' thought I say to myself 'is this worry helpful' then I allocate it a set time when I am allowed to think about it. I have made 5pm my 'worry time'. If I am too absorbed with other things and miss my time slot then I tell myself 'too bad - you'll have to wait now until tomorrow's worry time' and also remind myself that the 'worry thought' couldn't have been so important anyway. I'm finding this method quite good. I also accept that I am going to have bad times/days and that's OK. No need to beat myself up as that will only add to my anxiety.

01-02-11, 03:28
It sounds like you are making good progress. Just remember to try and set aside time each day to counter your thoughts in the TEA forms as that is what helps retrain/re-wire your brain so the anxiety stays away:hugs:

02-02-11, 19:56
I totally feel this way. As soon as my mind "remembers", I get a flood of panic and depression. It is a horrible feeling. It's never gone away and the only thing I know to help is medication. I always wish I had never been afflicted with an anxiety disorder. It makes every day a battle.

09-02-11, 00:08
Anxiousgal, give cbt and the tea forms a try. They changed my life and may be able to offer similar relief to you:)