View Full Version : Hot flash wave thing going on

26-01-11, 14:15
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I experienced this sort of rush all through my body. It was really quick and seemed like some sort of hot flash or wave that started from my legs through my chest. It happed very rapidly and scared me. I cant even say for sure if it was a hot flash just some sort of wave through my body. It only lasted a few seconds but scared me real bad.

I know I over reacted but I went to the Hospital and told them what happened. My bloodwork, ekg, and blood pressure were all fine and she referred me to a family doctor.

Has anyone ever felt this sort of a feeling. I'm still scared over this symptom? The thing that makes me upset is that I wasnt all the anxious over anything.:wacko:

26-01-11, 14:59
i get them sometimes more in a morning when ive just woken up.dont know what causes it but i dont worry about it.had tests n things and they were all normal. could be a thing to do with my meds.try not to wory about it becauce the more you do the more it will happen. ive not had any for a few weeks now cos i stoped thinking about them.

26-01-11, 15:19
Thanks glad Im not alone with this symptom.

26-01-11, 18:55
I've had this, well or something very similar sounding anyway. It is weird, nothing to worry about though.

26-01-11, 19:06
thats a panic attack mine are always like that so scarey and have rushed to doctors on several occasions for ecg and reasurance had one on saturday felt anxious for 2 hours but managed to calm down without running for help but live in fear of the next one.

bea baker
18-08-11, 23:43
i have these instance too, like a hot wave flash type thing that comes from nowhere to hitting you like and electric shock all over your body and it makes me want to run and beg for reassurance as it is so so so frightening. I think i have put mine down to either hormones because i tend to get it more just before my period as i do with my panic attacks, i cant literally have a panic attack and then start my period within a few hours... either that or just possibly the start of a panic attack but i cant work out if it is panic or pmt because when it happens i do panic as it makes me fearful of it happening again... who knows but i do know it scares me!!