View Full Version : Songs popping in my head most of the day

26-01-11, 15:02
Songs popping in my head most of the day and I haven't even though about them or listen to them for 2-3 years maybe, it's really annoying and scary. Is this caused by anxiety? Anyone else have this?

paula lynne
26-01-11, 15:14
Hi Baster9. I looked up Adele -Rolling in deep, her new single last week and added it to my favourites. I played it about 6 times before bed. And yep, ALL NIGHT it was going through my head and I couldnt sleep! Its not really anxiety per say, its just that because we are special, our brains are more susceptable in absorbing information. Nothing to worry about and be scared over, just annoying. Dont worry another moment about it. You are fine.x

Ps. I get the old song too, stuff i havent heared for ages. Im sure many of us here feel like that, again, nothing to worry about. x

26-01-11, 15:32
Well I Google it, and I think it's because of anxiety at least some of the people are asking the same question... Maybe you are right @paulla lynne

Here's a link though: http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?topic=5551.0

26-01-11, 15:32
Yes, I get this as well. I wake up almost every morning with a tune. This morning it was Elton John's 'Your Song'; yesterday it was the music to the 'Motorcycle Diaries'.

This whole thing only becomes annoying when I've subconsciously picked up a silly theme tune of a TV show, or worse, some stupid advertising jingle which then keeps jingling on and on.

But generally I don't mind and tend to go with it, probably even humming or singing along with the tune, which generally burns itself out, as it were, and before I know it I've forgotten all about it. It's just one of those things....

26-01-11, 16:47
So @European is this because of anxiety or not?

26-01-11, 16:59
Interesting question, i don't know the answer, but often a sing pops up in my head out of nowhere, usually one that i've not listened to in months.

26-01-11, 17:26
What do you guys think about this: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=89280

26-01-11, 18:26
"So @European is this because of anxiety or not?" >Baster9

Sometimes it's down to anxiety, particularly when it's very repetitive.

Having said that, when I'm really anxious, I generally start counting everything. I think this might have a similar effect to using a walking stick, or a handrail, in terms of grounding myself. And so I'll count and count, my steps, the pave-stones, my intake of breath, the trees on the side of the road, sometimes just numbers, 'good' numbers and 'bad' numbers, 'beautiful' numbers and 'ugly' numbers - whatever is handy and whatever is making me feel just a tad more secure at the time. I don't have a problem with this, though, and generally just go along with it until it subsides on its own account as the anxiety is subsiding.

And no, I don't think it's something only 'mad' people would do, as I talked about it to a number of friends, who are not anxiety sufferers at all. Of course they get anxious about this, that and the other as well every now and again - such is life! - and they all have their own coping strategies, which are sometimes surprisingly close to my own. Every little helps, I suppose....:)

26-01-11, 19:36

when i had severe anxiety i was always getting songs in my head to the point i wouldnt have music played anywhere near me . it does pass when the anxiety lessens

classic anxiety

blue moon
26-01-11, 21:35
I always have songs going on in my head,my hubby said that it is because I play and listen to music all the time.Music is a good distraction,it is universal one thing that brings people together.I don't think,in my case it is Anxiety
Petra x

28-01-11, 12:49
I've had this for most of my life, and I think it's more unusual for me not to have a tune in my head at some point during the day. The Germans have a fab term for it and refer to it as an Ohrwurm (Earworm!).

29-01-11, 11:01
I often have songs playing in my head, songs I think I havent heard in a while but then again I have the radio on all day so I think my mind is a bit like an mp3 player it sub-consciously downloads these tunes ready to play at any time!

I have been very very anxious all of this week and have noticed the songs are playing in my head every morning, I dont usually get it every day so it must be anxiety causing it.

Perhaps its a bit of a self-preservation thing, if the tunes go over in your mind its blocking out the cause of the anxiety?!

30-01-11, 19:08
Interestingly, I have had this lately, particularly nursery rhymes as my daughter has dvds and cds that she wants on incessantly!! The other night I laid awake for ages with a stupid song about chopping wood in my head.

I wonder if it is because with anxiety our minds are ticking over all time, usually over something that we find troubling but when we push that aside consciously or with the help of meds (I have been on citalopram again for a couple of weeks) our mind finds something else to tick tick over?

I find it very very hard to switch off at night and I do feel that my anxiety is like a viscious circle..I can't sleep cos of it and yet the sleeplessness makes it worse.