View Full Version : Does the time the time of month affect your mood?

29-03-06, 15:47
This is for the women so no funny replys from the men please!

I was just wondering if any of you find that your depression gets worse/better depending on what stage of your cycle you are at?

29-03-06, 15:56

I have'nt notice any difference.

Sorry i could'nt help you any further.

Are you finding a much of a change on yours?

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

29-03-06, 16:00
I cant believe just how much my mood changes about a week before a period i get to the point where i just dont want to do anything cos i feel that low i get to the stage where i dont even want to eat or shower

april tones
29-03-06, 16:01
hi yes! look at posts, anxiety before period and etopics xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

29-03-06, 17:39
My dizziness and wheezing get worse 10 days before my period if thats any help

Anxiety Is Evil

fed up with it
29-03-06, 19:44
I get awful worsening symptoms of anxiety, and inner feeling of dread, and like a feeling of being down inside but i dont feel sad as in crying? strange and really bad off balance feeling swayee like im spaced out inside.

30-11-07, 18:03
Hi am new to the site. Have wanted to know the answer to that question myself. I suffer anxiety around 10 days befor my period, and sometimes have full blown panic attacks, mostly at night, its hell on earth. Was hoping to hear from anyone who suffers night time panic attacks:)

30-11-07, 18:32
OMG! Are you kidding me? Just after ovulation my boobs get sore, I start feeling a bit emotional, and well... it's all down hill from there. A few days before my period I'm ready to kill someone, I feel like it's the end of the world, and I burst into tears watching 'how to look good naked' or 'animal hospital'. I'm much more anxious just before my period and I'm more likely to panic.


shoegal xxx

30-11-07, 19:18
It sure does with me, but every month is different. Sometimes i'm just slightly irritable and other times i'm really really snappy.

Love Lisa

30-11-07, 19:25
I completely agree, usually about a week before I am due the spots appear and the tears begin (although at the moment it's a bit difficult to tell the difference).


30-11-07, 21:44

Yes it really does affect me, to the point I sometimes wish I was a man !! lol.

Two week's before me period I usually start to feel different, with all the usual symptoms, tiredness and also my anixety become's sky high, panic and I feel depressed and also cry at the slightest of thing's.

I take the Femodene Pill which does help alittle and also Fluoxetine. I've also started to take Evening Primrose oil.

I wish there was a cure. I can't seem to plan anything around this time and it does affect my lifestyle.

I only feel well two week's of the month, and because I have Bipolar the other two week's can also be affected. It's a nightmare.

01-12-07, 16:48
Well at least im not alone...and hell theres always the menopause to look forward to. Would love to know if anyone uses anything to help with the pmt, vitamins or meds x

08-04-10, 19:35
I agree a week before my period the anixiety intensifies substaintially to the point i get woken up with full aniext/panic attacks

08-04-10, 20:59
Absolutely 100% !!!!

08-04-10, 23:45
I am so glad I found this thread as this month I have literally felt awful for 2 weeks. My period started today and I felt ok for a bit then terrible panic attacks!! I definitely notice a pattern to this and I only feel 'normal' for about 1 week out of the month. It doesn't help either that I have a thyroid problem.
