View Full Version : Anxiety

26-01-11, 15:09
I found this on this forums written by the mods... In the Anxiety section. The last part is really something that I'm starting to worry... It's with red letters...

Anxiety is nothing more than a feeling of apprehension and uncertainty. Believe it or not some anxiety is normal and healthy. Chronic, and continuous worry, however, is not. Everyone experiences some anxiety even on a daily basis but people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) experience constant anxiety which often has no apparent cause. GAD may be mild and manageable, but, for some people, it is debilitating. It can also cause and/or aggravate additional health problems, both physical and psychological.

I thought that anxiety can't cause any other health problems, especially not psychological???

26-01-11, 18:06
I think it means the symptoms caused by worry. When we're in a constant anxious state, we produce excess adrenalin which causes physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, trembling, panics etc.

The psychological symptoms would be the thought patterns which sometimes result in OCD etc.

Anxiety Doesn't make us ill as such. It just makes us "Feel" ill because of all the symptoms our minds create through worrying so therefore, try not to worry and any symptoms or feelings of being ill will then go.:)

26-01-11, 18:12
"It can also cause and/or aggravate additional health problems, both physical and psychological." >Baster9

I should think that this might only be possible with someone who has an underlying health problem - but having said that, statistically this would probably be a very rare thing. To put this into some perspective: There are people killing themselves on account of all kinds of unlikely mishaps, in all kinds of unexpected situations. Does this mean a freak accident is going to happen to you? The answer is: Not very likely.

But don't take my word for it: Maybe it would make sense to ask your GP about it, as I have a hunch his/her answer might have a bit more weight compared to anything I, or anybody else here, could probably say to the issue in question.