View Full Version : Really Worried :(

27-01-11, 02:52
Hi There

I am really worried about my mum as she has a really bad cough and she is going to docs on fri but im so worried it might be serious. just wondered if any of you can relate to having a bad cough and know what it could be and weather it could be cancer?

She coughs so hard sometimes that she throws up phlem
The phlem is clear in colour
She smokes
She Drinks alcohol
She has had a cold but that seems to be going but she has had this bad cough on and off for a couple of months.

Any Ideas? Could it be serious?

Please reply
Love Louise X

27-01-11, 03:15
Smokers Cough is a very real condition where smoke disables little hairs in the lungs and causes a bit of a phlegm build up, the cough is there to get rid of the phlegm in the lungs.

My friend has this and hes only 23! It can also be made worse when its colder outside.

Here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoker's_cough) is a wikipedia link.

I hope she is ok and please let us know.

28-01-11, 15:51
Hi, my mum went to docs and they gave her inhaler and she has to have chest X-ray so I'm really worried now. The doc said it deffinitly isn't a chest infection so I guess it may be smokers cough. Anything else it could be? Anyone had a chest X-ray? Could it be lung cancer?

Love Louise x

28-01-11, 17:14
Hi Louise,
I expect the doctor just wants a chest x-ray done to rule things out.
My dad is going for an ultrasound on his side even though the doctor has told him it is probably just muscle pain, but he wants to make totally sure there is nothing else going on.
The cough could just be a virus, my boyfriend has had a horrible cough for over a month now and the doctor said it was a virus.
Try not to worry
Becca x