View Full Version : Any fellow nose pickers here?

27-01-11, 05:51
I know this sounds kind of gross maybe, but I was wondering if anyone else here picks their nose? Perhaps not compulsively, but just at all? Does anyone have any fears of getting germs in your body via this? I know I've done it without clean hands but I try to clean them frequently these days. I also pick my eyes. I guess I'm worried because my apartment isn't that clean? It's kind of hard to keep it clean on a regular basis though, since it's so slushy and disgusting outside and I've got hardwood floors. But then again, I've been living with this habit for years, and while i do get sick about once or twice a year, it's never been a big deal. I'm just wondering what y'all's thoughts are on this? because lately I've been kind of worried about this myself. Like is it even possible to get a serious infection just from carelessness around your own house??

I think my solution is going to try to institute a no shoes policy? Clean everything up and then just follow a no shoes rule? Might be good.

27-01-11, 10:46
Obviously, even the most cleanest of houses will be a host to millions of germs. Our bodies do a pretty good job of fighting off the bacteria that tries to attack our bodies day and night. However, your concern can be less troublesome if you are willing to do some housework in order to limit possible oportunities of germs spreading and causing illness. You will find that if you do this on a regular basis, then it will seem less of a chore!

I believe the 'No shoes policy' will have little effect until a good 'spring clean' is first put into action.

As far as the nose picking is concerned. There would be a chance of infection naturally, especially being as the lining of the nasal passages are very thin and delicate and therefore susceptable to damage from a fingernail.

My only advice is to start wearing mittens permanently!!!!!!!!!


27-01-11, 12:20
i love picking my nose , its free , satisfying... but you have to be carefull it can make your eyes water .

27-01-11, 13:36
Mel2 - you made me laugh!:D

Like Horse said I suppose there is a small risk of infection - like with anything really. Wouldn't be serious though.
