View Full Version : Help panicking

anx mum
27-01-11, 09:25
Woke up this am with a heaviness presssure in chest really scared something is going on:weep: eg blood clot, heart. Feel like im not getting enough air even tho my sats r 98% feel dizzy when moving around plz help ive had di dimer done which came bk normal and ive had chest ecgs just dont know why i feel so bad?

27-01-11, 09:33
Anxiety hun. All your tests are clear so your hearts fine:) x

anx mum
27-01-11, 09:37
Anxiety hun. All your tests are clear so your hearts fine:) x

Worried now hun bout clot my d dimer was nornal getting pressure in my chest.

27-01-11, 10:14
:( I know how u feel lv but the test wouldn't have come back normal if you had a clot. Hold on to that, I know its hard:) xx