View Full Version : sore burning feet, weak legs

sarah jayne
27-01-11, 09:39
Ive got to the point where i cant cope with anymore pain. I used to be scared of dying, i would have panic attacks at the though but im not scared anymore because at least i wont be in pain. I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia nearly a year and it just seems to be getting worse. I dont know if its the fibro but for the past few weeks my feet have been burning and ive had sharp pins and needles in them, my legs feel weak, im struggling to walk, iwhen i dropped my little boy off at nursery this morning i didnt think i would make it back to the car. I feel sick im in so much pain and im sat here in tears. Tablets dont work, ium always at the doctors and they just seem to fob me off. My hubby has booked tomorrow off work so he can take me to the doctors and support me. I just feel so depressed and scared, i havent got a life im just existing and everyday the pain seems to get worse :( :weep::weep::weep:

27-01-11, 09:59
So sorry you are feeling so bad Sarah :hugs:. It's good that your husband is going to the doc with you as sometimes it helps if someone else is there to reinforce the point about how badly you are suffering. I'm still getting no help from my docs with CFS, mentioned something about it this morning when I was there about something else and it was just brushed aside as usual.

I hope it goes better for you and please let us know how you get on xx

sarah jayne
27-01-11, 10:02
its awful isnt it, doctors just dont seem to understand, either that or they dont want to. Im 29 and i feel like my life is over its like im dying a long, slow painfull death, i wouldnt wish this on anyone :(

27-01-11, 11:40
Sarah, if you happen to be back on - I've just remembered Melancholia was talking last night about the benefits of taking Pregabalin for FMS. Just thought I'd pass that on xx

27-01-11, 15:54
You can buy Cold therapy boots for the burning feet .Made of material .They have small pouches to place gel pads in them to ease the burning .They cost about £15 . sue x