View Full Version : Finding things a bit of a struggle

27-01-11, 10:44

I'm Suze I found this site quite by accident whilst searching for information on citalopram.

I suffered with anxiety 5 years ago and it lasted for a few years but went away in 2009. I've been suffering with panic attacks again since June last year but delayed getting any help. I started taking beta blockers in October but they didn't seem to do much and have now been prescribed citalopram to go alongside my CBT.

After much deliberation and a very bad few days I've finally decided to take some time out from work and try and get myself together, have some me time, walk the dog, read etc and see if that helps. I have a job that I love and a lovely man and home and I'm scared about loosing all of this if things don't improve.

Anyone got any coping mechanisms apart from the breathing? does citalopram do the trick?


27-01-11, 10:47
Hi Sparklebright

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-01-11, 19:16
Hi Sparkle. I can not offer any advice on coping as we are all different I am new too and am just finding my feet. I do the breathing exercises and they do help. I also use the rescue remedy pastels, they also help most of the time. I was on cit two years ago and they did work in the end, but they can make you worse before they make you feel better. But they will kick in, just hang in there. We are all here to help each other.

paula lynne
27-01-11, 19:19
Hi Suze welcome to a great supportive site, youll find lots of helpful advice here and make some great mates along the way. I cant comment personally on Cit, but there are lots of members here who can, and lots of threads about it. Maybe use the "search" facility and type in Citalopram.....good to meet you x:welcome:

27-01-11, 19:22
Should also mention that we have a whole forum dedicated to Citalopram so have a read in there

27-01-11, 20:37
thanks for all your posts :-) I'm hanging in there and remembering these awful side effects will pass! I know i'm going to beat this, it's just hard sometimes isn't it.

I've found the cit forum and found it really helpful :-)