View Full Version : Why am i ill all the time?

27-01-11, 10:46

I have been suffering with GAD/Health anxiety ever since my daughter was born 2 1/2 years ago, i have good months and bad months, i had a good 8 months of being better and then in october 2010 i started feeling panicky everyday then the symptoms started, dizzyness everyday, eye felt wierd like i couldnt see properly, my left arm went week and painful etc, i started taking the 10mg of citalopram and it helped, then i found out i was pregnant and had to stop straight away as it can harm the baby, my anxiety increased and i felt weak everyday,then i came down with an ear infection and full of cold. i then suffered a miscarriage 4 weeks later. i then got another virus on boxing day and was ill for 2 weeks with sinusitus, then i felt better but felt like my whole body was achy, the pains would move around though, but i always had achy shoulders and neck, and lower back. i now have started with my ear getting painful again, i am on 20mg of citalopram and its not making me better, does anyone else relate to this, or does anyone have any advise

macc noodle
27-01-11, 22:17
Hi Meg

Sorry to hear you feeling so low :flowers:

I think that this last virus you have had since Boxing Day sounds very much like someting I have had since the week before christmas and, to be honest, there are still days when I feel quite weak and fed up from it - still got sinus issues and aches and pains and clearly not on top of things. Talking to friends, lots of us have had it for quite a while and it is taking some shifting so I would not be too worried about that.

I took 10mg Citalopram and it did diddly squat for me I have to say - no relief from the anxiety (suffer HA) and a side effect that I was not too keen on (constipation) - took it for several months and then threw them in the bin - don't think my doc. will be pleased when she next sees me but there you go.

Look after yourself - perhaps take a tonic supplement like Minadex - it works wonders and try not to be too hard on yourself for feeling low and anxious at the moment - it will pass and you will feel better.


28-01-11, 11:38
Hi Jan,

Thank you for replying,

That does give me some comfort, Its the aches and pains that scare me, there not too painful but when you have health anxiety you panic over any symptoms, i went to the doctors this morning and he gave me 5 days of amoxocillin to clear any infection up, hoping it works, this cold weather doesnt help either! hope you feel better soon too

28-01-11, 12:30
Hi Meg

Sorry you feel unwell and so sorry abouth your miscarriage.

I have GAD and HA too and have felt unwell since before xmas, got a chest infection and felt realy rough for weeks only just stopped coughing the last week or so and now feel really low and run-down.

I also get the aches and pains too and all of this is always worse come october, I just cant wait until spring.

ps try Jans advice about the minadex, I gave it to my kids after the chest infection and it did perk them up-becky

30-01-11, 20:13
Hi Ruby,

Thanks for the post,

I will get some of the mindex tonic, see if it works, i think i might have SAD, i cant wait until the summer, if i liked flying i would be in tenerife or somewere hot by now!! i have come down with a cold again! this weekend, my mum thinks im very run down from christmas and miscarriage etc, this virus going about has had everyone poorly, it is just annoying feeling ill everyday,

how are you now, are you better.
