View Full Version : Looking forward to it so why anxious?

27-01-11, 16:46
Hey guys, need some help. Been on Citalopram for 3 months now, ups and downs with it, but 25mg seems to be ok for me for anxiety and depression, apart from night time sweats. Its my sister's wedding tomorrow, I am looking forward to it, its an informal do, its fairly local, only 30 people there, short service in a town hall then back to their local, so its not a huge formal thing, but since getting back from work this afternoon, I feel lightheaded and anxious, I know its because of tomorrow but as I haven't been anxious for quite a while now, I am annoyed and a bit scared that I am getting a blip today and don't want it getting out of hand. I want to look forward to it!

27-01-11, 16:57
:hugs:Its a perfectly normal reaction Heavenly ..Just accept this .try to think of the nice time you will have .Dont start thinking of the what if's .Learning to recognise normal feelings of anticipatory anxiety, without letting it develop out of all proportion is the key .Have a great day and enjoy yourself ..Sue x

27-01-11, 17:21
Thank you - I know I will have a nice time, just really threw me having these feelings when I haven't had them for almost 3 weeks now. I just need to accept them for what they are. xx

Hazel B
27-01-11, 18:26
Some of it may be a little excitement as well, they are so similar: racing heart, butterflies, impatience.

Tell yourself that axiety cannot harm you, you've beaten it before and can do it again. Sue is right, the anticipation can be worse than the actual event itself.

Hope it goes well.:hugs:x

eternally optimistic
27-01-11, 18:32
Hi Heavenly

Anticipation of what if is our foe, I guess.

You've given loads of people on here a great incentive with your posts of "your journey" and I want to return the favour by saying that you will enjoy. Some of the other guests might feel uneasy with their thoughts or emotions.

I think that sooooo often when we have anxiety, our "normal" emotions and "anx" get a little entwined and we find it hard to pull the two apart. "Normal" people, god I hate saying that, will also feel unsettled by a different situation too.

You damn well enjoy yourself, relax, deep breath (if you need to - LOL) and before you know it the day will be over and you will want to have done it all again.

If you feel a doubt of edge in your thoughts between now and the close of tomorrow, just remind yourself, what can go wrong.. nothing really..

Just turn all those little irrating thoughts into something positive in your mind.

Best wishes for tomorrow, have a great day and enjoy.....

28-01-11, 00:58
My advice is to simply go with the flow of the day, think positive. If you have been doing any CBT etc, remember what you have learnt....

What i have learnt from CBT....

Breath with your stomach. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, flow the air going into your lungs and out. Everytime you breath out notice how relaxed you become. repeat that your are relaxed and safe, strong and well. We are focused and well in every way.

Youre surround by family, who know( hopefully) about your condition. Talk to them if you notice the on set of an attack. Pace yourself, but most importantly enjoy yourself, for your sister and yourself. Have a lovely day :D xxx

28-01-11, 08:09
Thank you so much everyone for your kind replies. I think once I get there, I will be fine, its the anticipation, its something new, out of my comfort zone, so I understand why I am feeling a little anxious. I have taken an Olanzapine, which helps with my anxiety, and I will have Diazapam on me for emergencies (I haven't taken a Diaz for over 3 months, but I like to have them on me). I actually wish the do was this morning not 2.30pm, but I am at the hairdressers this morning and I am sure the morning will whizz by. Isn't anxiety frustrating, I remember back in the day pre-Aug 2010, pre-anxiety and depression, when this do would have been a breeze. I will get there again!!

Hazel B
28-01-11, 17:28
Hope it went well and that you are OK.

You'll get there!:hugs:x

31-01-11, 10:05
Thank you everyone. xx It was fine and I enjoyed myself. Felt a little anxious getting there, but after that, it was ok. Lovely day and evening, and sis took some of us out for a meal Sat night as well. Was pretty exhausted yesterday, think 2 social functions out on the trot took it out of me, but very proud of myself!