View Full Version : Not gone away!!!

27-01-11, 17:03
Posted on here in the past about my fears over my husband when he is driving etc and away from home,always frightened that something is going to happen to him.My dad died when I was 11 away working abroad and the counselling I have had said it was a knock on effect from that.Anyway it isn't getting any better in fact it is getting worse I think and I just want to know if anyone else has anything similiar, you always feel as though it's just you that has these strange afflicitions.
He has just left his current job after 10 yrs and they hare all having a leaving do tonight consisting of a meal at teatime in a restaurant in town and I felt sick all day cos I knew he would be going out.He knows I am like this and it sometimes drives him nuts,he copes remarkably well most of the time but being constantly phoned and asked where are you must get completely on his nerves,I do come across as needy,clingy and not in control which I suppose most men hate in a woman, and just wish I was normal like other folk.Most people I speak too say "take a chance to relax on your own or justput your feet up",I wish it was that simple and I know I will have a churning stomach,jelly legs etc until I know he is home again and safe. Why me why do I feel like this,it's horrible and is spoiling my life and his, I know the fear is irrational but it is literally driving me mad. I feel nervous all the time and it's if I am waiting for something to happen and the only time it isn't at the forefront of my mind is when I am at work.I work in Tesco part time and this is the only thing keeping me sane I think.Any advice would be appreciated,I know I have posted on here about this before ut I thought the counselling would cure me but I was asking for a miracle I think.