View Full Version : Hi, I am Paula 42 but not for much longer.

27-01-11, 17:12
I was put onto Citalopram in December 10mg now on 30 also am on propanalol upto 3 a day. I have agrophobia and right now finding it so hard to do or go anywhere. I take my 5 year old to school and it kills me going out in the morning and then I spend all day dreading going back to pick her up.

I always thought I had vertigo as when I went out I got dizzy and sometimes even walked into things.

I was diagnosed agrophobic only a few months back, december.

Is there anyone else here who can help me to try and get over it, I have learned to breath but that does not help the fact that the paramedics have been to the school playground once and the police have broken my door down once last week as my boyfriend could not get in and panicked. I need some advice. many thanks Paula

27-01-11, 17:14
Hi paulakenyon

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-01-11, 20:27
Hi Paula, welcome to nmp, there is loads of support on here, and some amazing people. I too am 42 and suffer agraphobia, I have the dizziness and vertigo most days, but I am doing better than I was last year.
You have to take small baby steps, its hard but small steps is the way forward.
Take Care

paula lynne
27-01-11, 20:35
Hi Paula welcome aboard. Im Paula, aged 40, had panic anxiety and agoraphobia for 10 years. I take no medication. I suffer a lot with vertigo esp at ovulation up until I menstruate. This site has been a life saver for me, and Im doing things now I found impossible a couple of months ago. I look forward to getting to know you, youre not alone x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
27-01-11, 21:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x