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View Full Version : scared by these symptoms

anx mum
27-01-11, 17:34
Really struggling again gettng horrible symptoms which doc r saying r anxiety related the worse one being feeling like im not getting enough air even tho my sats r 98%, chest pains dizziness, really scared to be on my own when i get these symptoms. Even tho ive had quite a few tests still worying docs have missed something and my bigges fear a blood clot as ive recently had a baby. Why cant i believe anyone? Just wanna b well and happy again

27-01-11, 19:07
I'm exactly the same, I've had a horrible afternoon! I feel like I can't breathe properly and I'm scared I'm going to stop breathing! I'm desperate to know what's causing it! I can't even cry because it makes it worse and I feel like I'm suffocating! I want a chest x-ray butmy doctor won't send me for one! I can't eat/drink properly either and I'm sick to death of feeling this way!
Sorry, I'm not much help am I!
How do you know what your stats are? x

anx mum
27-01-11, 20:28
I'm exactly the same, I've had a horrible afternoon! I feel like I can't breathe properly and I'm scared I'm going to stop breathing! I'm desperate to know what's causing it! I can't even cry because it makes it worse and I feel like I'm suffocating! I want a chest x-ray butmy doctor won't send me for one! I can't eat/drink properly either and I'm sick to death of feeling this way!
Sorry, I'm not much help am I!
How do you know what your stats are? x

Hiya hun got bloody chest pain now really scared. Ive got a finger pulse thing had it ages. I hate the breathing symptom scares me the most really does feel like your gonna stop breathing. U on any meds?

27-01-11, 21:14
I used to get chest pains really bad, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about! I know it's easy someone saying don't worry but I had chest pains and I'm still here! :) if your tense with the anxiety it's probably that causing the chest pain!
I tried a couple anti depressants but I had bad side effects with both and now I'm scared of taking any medication! Are you on meds? x

anx mum
27-01-11, 21:21
I used to get chest pains really bad, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about! I know it's easy someone saying don't worry but I had chest pains and I'm still here! :) if your tense with the anxiety it's probably that causing the chest pain!
I tried a couple anti depressants but I had bad side effects with both and now I'm scared of taking any medication! Are you on meds? x

Yeah on mirtzapine 30mg propanel and loperazam. Just worrying about a clot now as doc said comon when had a baby:(

27-01-11, 21:22
do you have any side effects with them meds?
have you spoken to your doctor about your blood clot worries? x

anx mum
27-01-11, 21:25
do you have any side effects with them meds?
have you spoken to your doctor about your blood clot worries? x

Well been dizzy on meds. Yeah doc knows im worried about clot he did a bloodtest to see if my blood was clotting come bk as 200 normal anything over 250 they look at

27-01-11, 21:28
Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome

The biggest clue to Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome is the presence of vague dizziness accompanied by a lot of other seemingly unrelated symptoms, which might include any of the following:

shortness of breath for no apparent reason
frequent sighing or yawning
chest pains
heart palpitations
syncope (fainting)
slurred speech
cold, tingling, or numb lips or extremities
nausea or irritable bowel syndrome
aching muscles or joints, or tremors
tiredness, unsteadiness, or diffuse weakness
restless sleep, insomnia, or nightmares
sexual problems
anxiety or phobias
fear that perhaps you're a hypochondriac
dry mouth
pressure in throat or difficulty swallowing
bloating, belching, flatulence, or abdominal pain
impaired memory or concentration
confusion / disorientation
tinnitis (ringing in ears)
blurred vision, tunnel vision, double vision, or flashing lights
tachycardia (rapid pulse)
erratic blood pressure

Frozen in fear
27-01-11, 21:41
Suffocating feeling today

27-01-11, 21:43
hi all!!!

im new to this, i only registered about an hour ago but the chest pains and the feeling of not getting enough oxygen are very common with anxiety, i have been suffering with the same symptoms for nearly 12 months now, i have a panic disorder and i find that i have varied syptoms due to anxiety but the chest pains and the lack of oxygen are the ones that seem to linger!!!

my counsellor gave me some great breathing exercises that really do work - im to breath in through my mouth but only half fill my lungs and the exhale through my nose to the count of five, im to do this 3 times, then when you breath normally again you feel the force of a full lung of air, it may take a while to work and get used to doing it but it does make a difference eventually!! dont do it too often in a short period of time though as you may get lightheaded lol

i hope this helps :flowers:

27-01-11, 21:44
if the doctor hasn't done tests then I'm sure you're fine! you're like me, can't help but worry even though the doctor has said your fine! have you tried any relaxation or anything? You should have an aromatherapy massage, it'll really relax you x

27-01-11, 21:50
hi all!!!

im new to this, i only registered about an hour ago but the chest pains and the feeling of not getting enough oxygen are very common with anxiety, i have been suffering with the same symptoms for nearly 12 months now, i have a panic disorder and i find that i have varied syptoms due to anxiety but the chest pains and the lack of oxygen are the ones that seem to linger!!!

my counsellor gave me some great breathing exercises that really do work - im to breath in through my mouth but only half fill my lungs and the exhale through my nose to the count of five, im to do this 3 times, then when you breath normally again you feel the force of a full lung of air, it may take a while to work and get used to doing it but it does make a difference eventually!! dont do it too often in a short period of time though as you may get lightheaded lol

i hope this helps :flowers:

Thanks bezzaboo, I've never been told about this so I'll definitely give it a go! :) x