View Full Version : Moving house and feeling so low

27-01-11, 17:50
I have lived in my home with my Mum since I was born 30 years ago. The house needs so much work that none of us can afford so we have no choice but to move into a rented house. I am going through a bad patch with my depression and so is my Mum (she took an overdose on Sunday just gone). We need to move for our health but I do not cope with change, all I want to is stay here but it's not an option (way to many things to fix plus house is falling down).

We also have cats and we would have to rehome them and I just can't do it. Our eldest is almost 12 years old and we've had her from being a baby and there is just no way I am letting her go. Been looking to rent somewhere that will take pets but so hard to find somewhere and we need to be out now really (again we don't have the money).

I just don't know if I can cope with any of this really :weep:

27-01-11, 19:36
so sorry to hear your going through such a rough time, I hope you will find somewhere they accept pets. I will pray for you that you find somewhere that allows you to keep your pets, somewhere good to live. I hope you get something sorted out.

sending you hugs. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

27-01-11, 20:19
This is a horrible situation to be up against Cat and my heart goes out to you and your mum. Could you not speak to CAB for some advice re your pets and moving? The council may also be able to help if you make a good case.

You must look after number one though, as it sounds that you're a big support to your mum. Also, your pets need you to be strong. I really hope you're not separated and find a way around this.

27-01-11, 20:35
Hi Cat what a nightmare for you :hugs:. My husband and I will probably have to sell our home very soon and it's a very scary prospect. One of the things that frightens me is not being able to find somewhere for my cats ( one's 19 and the other a very nervous rescue boy). I'm sorry your mum isn't dealing very well with things but please try to get some help and support.

Mel's suggestion about the CAB is a good one and you could also see if Shelter might be able to help. Please visit their website or give their free helpline a ring - 0808 800 4444.

I hope things get sorted out for you. Sending you love xx