View Full Version : Hugs for all who knew Kazzie

27-01-11, 18:55
I would like to send virtual hugs to all who knew Kazzie, from No More Panic.:grouphug:

My thoughts are with you.

Ju x

27-01-11, 19:12
What a lovely thoughtful message ju. I knew Kazzie and I think of her often. :flowers:

27-01-11, 19:25
I can't believe it is a year tomorrow since we lost our dear Kazz.

I will be thinking of Roger and the family at this time as well.

27-01-11, 19:31
It is my birthday tomorrow but it will always be tinged with a certain amount of sadness..I think we can all remember hoping that the inevitable wouldn't happen but then it did.

I think I would prefer to think of Kazz in happier times, in the chatroom, in those photos of the NMP outings.:D

Her presence is still felt very much on here, don't you agree? :hugs:

Thoughts go out to Roger and family x

27-01-11, 20:21
Awww what a lovely thought Ju

We will NEVER forget our beloved Kazz


Always in our thoughts and hearts

Love Lisa

27-01-11, 20:37
I didn't know Kazzie very well but can't believe that's a year. Thinking of all of you who were close to her :hugs:

27-01-11, 21:03
always in our thoughts and missed very much x

27-01-11, 23:02
I can't believe it will be a year tomorrow.
Kazzie sounded like she was a lovely and special lady.
Thinking of Kazzies husband and family, tomorrow.

27-01-11, 23:20
wow that year has gone so quick, bet kazzie would be laughing out loud to know some of the antics that have happened since she left us

thinking of rodger and family

kazzie my superglue girl always a thought away xxxxxx

28-01-11, 00:15
Remembering dear Kazzie and thinking of Rodger and her family .She will always be here in our thoughts and hearts ..luv Sue xx:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
28-01-11, 09:55
In memory of Kazzie


Paige xxxx

pink daisy
28-01-11, 11:12
Love you Kazzie...

Am so glad I got to meet you a couple of times and Ill never forget your firework party
It was very funny !!

have fun with the Angels see you one day xx

28-01-11, 12:00
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/232/492717054_b969fb13bb.jpgin memory of a wonderfull women

28-01-11, 14:30
I would just like to say a big thankyou for all your kind words , Kazzie was indeed a very special lady not just to me and her family but to all her friends especiallly those on NMP.
I am sure she will always be with us in our hearts.

Thanks again to you all

Roger (Kazzies Husband)

28-01-11, 14:56
kazzie is greatly missed ,she was such a fun loving lady, always made me laugh in chat thinking of you roger and your family xx

28-01-11, 16:34

Cheers to oor Kazz today!!
I'll have one for you later huni and be thinking of you with a huge smile my friend.

Love and thoughts to Roger and the family :hugs:

Cheers mate

Love Lisa

magpie girl
28-01-11, 21:07
Today i fed the ducks with bright pink leggings on and bright pink socks,i looked a right sight but i bet it made kazzie giggle!!!! sleep well my friend xxxxxxx

28-01-11, 22:12
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1S0CHWdPGzMCGHlmqudACZPrTw8X8G Tuo6dOi6lvDvp_YK-rMuA&t=1
Dear Kaz