View Full Version : Fed up and want to feel normal again

27-01-11, 20:02
Hi, this is my first thread..I had spinal surgery two years ago and whilst in hospital i developed panic attacks, although at the tme i didnt know thats what they were. I was quite ill after my op and two years later i am still not quite back to normal..I hve days where i feel i am on the mend but then start feeling bad again. I went on anti depressants over a year ago for 6 months and they made me think and feel things that were horrible.. came off those but the memory of the feelings are always in the back of my mind. a month ago i went on slow release beta blockers as i starting to get rapid heart panic attacks ( very scary). they help a bit but never get rid of all the symptoms. i now fear bed time if i am on my own as that is when they occured the most..feeling my heart beat in bed can make me anxious..i do feel a bit pathetic at times as i know its mind over matter, but anxiety can just creep up on you..:wacko: couldgo on abit more but dont want to bore anyone, just want to get normal again

27-01-11, 20:03
Hi volaire

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
28-01-11, 09:58
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

28-01-11, 16:39
Hi, this is my first thread..I had spinal surgery two years ago and whilst in hospital i developed panic attacks, although at the tme i didnt know thats what they were. I was quite ill after my op and two years later i am still not quite back to normal..I hve days where i feel i am on the mend but then start feeling bad again. I went on anti depressants over a year ago for 6 months and they made me think and feel things that were horrible.. came off those but the memory of the feelings are always in the back of my mind. a month ago i went on slow release beta blockers as i starting to get rapid heart panic attacks ( very scary). they help a bit but never get rid of all the symptoms. i now fear bed time if i am on my own as that is when they occured the most..feeling my heart beat in bed can make me anxious..i do feel a bit pathetic at times as i know its mind over matter, but anxiety can just creep up on you..:wacko: couldgo on abit more but dont want to bore anyone, just want to get normal again

Hi volaire, Apart from the surgery this sounds so much like me even down to the anti depressants for six months. I hate bed time too, You are not on your own. I just lay their sometimes until gone two or three in the morning frightened of going to sleep. I know this is bad as tiredness adds to our woes.

I am in the chat room most evenings so pop in for a chat even if it's late.

Regards Buster.