View Full Version : Palpatation in the throat

28-01-11, 01:21
For some reason tonight I've had a fair few missed heartbeats (about half a dozen or so)...

But what worrie me was 15 minutes or so ago I had what I can only describe as a palpatation type feeling in the hroat as well, for that split second when I felt it at the bottom of my throat I couldn't breathe/swallow etc. and my throat feels funny, a bit like an anxiety/acid reflux lump feeling but also a bit not like that as well (as wierd as that sounds) - can anyone relate?

28-01-11, 01:34
I can. I don't know for sure if that is what they are because they never happen at the docs but I also have benign palps and often have that feeling in my throat. It feels to me like a spasm but I think it is palpitations. It is scary and it seems to happen more if I put pressure on my throat. I have had all of the cardio tests and they say nothing is wrong so I try to just ignore it...coughing works too.

28-01-11, 01:38
I have had this. A throbbing in the throat like a heart beat. I was told its the cartiod. The swallowing thing can happen if you feel anxious. Like a lump that's blocking your throat and you just cant swallow.

Even though I know this is just a symptom of panic, it still manages to bother me.

"Globus Hystericus

It is caused by the muscles in the throat contracting due to anxiety or stress. Sometimes it feels like you cannot swallow anything and trying to makes it worse. This is another example of a symptom, which will improve if you give it no credibility. It is totally harmless and will not cause you to stop breathing, eating or drinking, it is just very unpleasant."

Some people with acid reflux get a lump in the throat feeling as well. <My husband had it and was always clearing his throat until he took meds for his hiatus hernia

28-01-11, 09:29
I get something like this too, it feels like a thumping in my throat and automatically makes me want to cough and that usually makes it go!

Vanilla Sky
28-01-11, 09:50
Yes i can relate , this is a symptom that scared me . It is more likely to be an acid thing than the heart thing though. As Ruby said a cough usually makes it go and sip cold water too . It took me long enough to realise that it is just a harmless symptom and now that i dont give them any thought they have gone just about , i dont worry about them any more