View Full Version : It's back. Really need assuring :(

28-01-11, 02:20
It's been over a year since I had a bad attack and seemingly from no where I'm in a mess again.

I've been having night sweats sometimes and been feeling generally ill. To make it worse it coincides with going to the gym. I've been again tonight and again I have woken up sweating and feeling a cold chill. I'm petrified I have leukaemia or something. :weep:

So upset it's unbelievable. I though I was past this but again I'm just sat here shaking and unable to sleep. I feel really cold. I'm really trying to put this into perspective and excercise always normally helps.

I guess if I can run 8k on a treadmill in 40 minutes it'd be rational to think I'm not I'll but it all just seems coincidental so now I'm worried I ruin my immune system more when I exercise causing me to feel ill as my White blood cells are already being attacked.

I'm determined not to google it and this forum has been amazing in the past. Your all great people and I appreciate being able to vent how I feel to those who can empathise. A few words of wisdom right now would be great

28-01-11, 02:24
I've had what seems like a chest infection but don't know why it's lingering on :( had a cough and phlegm too for over a week

28-01-11, 02:54
I know several friens who have had nasty lingering coughs and colds recently,Mark, and a week is not too long. I once had a terrible chesty cough for about 6 weeks but it cleared up eventually.

I would say it islikely that you are going to bed anxious after exercising and this is what is leading to the sweats and panic feeling. Though it can be common to have night sweats, and it can also be a side effect of many antidepressants.

The best thing that you can do is stick with the exercise, it will only do you good! ( I say that as someone that has just gone back to the gym after 6 months off. I used to go 5 days a week before the anxiety over my heart and have gained 2 stone and lost all my lovely muscles that I worked so hard to build - gah!)

28-01-11, 18:04
Hi Mark,
you say its been over a year since your last bout of anxiety. Am I right in thinking that your last bout hit you in the winter months then? If so, it's quite normal to feel anxious at this time of the year if you have SAD. I don't know whether this is something you have ever thought about but at this time of the year, my anxiety goes sky high as well. The lack of Vitamin D from the sun really hits hard and SAD manifests itself in cold sweats at night, nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks etc.

28-01-11, 19:50
Thanks for the replies :)

Managed to get off to sleep and into work. Not the best day!

I'm pretty sure I do get SAD as I've always had these bouts of anxiety in winter months, and always feel better in myself in the summer. Cant wait for it to return

I guess it's a virus that's lingered, have started losing my voice tonight too so probably all linked. When I got off to sleep last night I had no more sweats anyway either so that's positive :)

Your all great on here. Probably the nicest forum I've ever come across and, as always, sharing how you feel always helps tremendously!

28-01-11, 20:47
I had a nasty chest infection and it lingered and that is how my anxiety started about four months ago, I too got hot sweats and felt so tired I thought I must have something serious, I had a bad panic attack and had to rush home after that everything else kicked in and it was awful, about ten other people I know started exactly the same with cough and chest infection and ALL ended up with anxiety, I am sure it's some sort of virus!! hope you are feeling better soon.:yesyes:keepup the excercise but maybe slow it down for a while .

29-01-11, 11:21
Hi Mark

Try not to worry i've had the exact same chest infection and horrible cough (I think its been an epidemic in our town Boots had run out of cough medicine!!), it lasted for weeks and weeks and then I started getting the night sweats too.

Keep up the exercise as it boost the immune system and happy hormones:)